Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 30 November 2022

    Thursday 1st December - can’t look.

     I am afraid I won’t be to go out tomorrow.


    Wednesday 30th November - All 17 seen

    There was a thick fog over Caesar's when I started looking this morning.  Older cow 72 was stood chewing her cud in the area around ///pump.text.grumbles on Sandy Hill at 09:30.  Youngsters 213, 219 and 235 were snoffling for acorns under a nearby tree.  Youngster 221 soon joined them.   Older cow 35 was grazing close by.

    The other eleven were all in the area around ///clocked.whiplash.fields about thirty minutes later.  Older cow 940 was lying down, relaxing and chewing her cud.  Cows 20 and 21 were grazing close by.  Youngsters 217, 220 and 228 were grazing together, while youngsters 222, 226 and 230 were grazing a bit further along (in the direction of the Shell garage end of site).  Older cows 30 and 33 were buried in gorse bushes munching away.

    All the cows were good today.

    Monday 28 November 2022

    Monday 28th November All seen.

     They were strung out between ///issue.seated.bugs. and Horse pond heading slowly in the general direction of the pond. Pretty much where they were on Friday morning. Still feasting mainly on acorns and even gorse. All looked well. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 27 November 2022

    Sunday 27th November - All 17 seen

    Youngsters 219 and 235 were found rummaging for acorns in the leaves around ///second.poster.live at 10:30 this morning.  Cows 20, 21, 213, 217, 220, 221, 222, 226, 228 and 230 were all spread out in the trees behind them.  Most were also hunting for acorns while a couple were happily munching on gorse.

    Older cows 30, 33, 35, 72 and 940 were found in the area around ///glare.gave.perky a short while later.  Most were busy munching on gorse.  

    A mixed group of eleven came together and wandered off in the direction of Sunny Hill Road, before disappearing into the bushes.  Youngsters 213, 219, 220, 222, 230 and 235 continued their search for acorns in the area around ///grass.views.driven.

    All the cows were good today.

    Saturday 26 November 2022

    Saturday 26th November - All 17 seen

    Cows 20, 33, 72, 217 and 940 were all found lying down relaxing just along from the Lookout around ///alpha.shot.scarf at 11:00 this morning.  Cow 33 was snoozing while the others were lying amongst the heather, chewing their cud.

    The other twelve were fairly widely spread out in the surrounding area, mainly munching on grass or gorse.  Cows 30 and 35 were buried deep in the gorse bushes around ///grandest.handyman.slap.  Youngster 213 was searching for acorns under the trees on the Lookout itself.   Slowly they all started to lie down in the area where the original five were found.

    There was a Brutal tough running 10K event on Caesar's today which saw the competitors take on all kinds of terrain across the site, including plenty of hills, water and mud, and even wading through the middle of the James Bond pond.  The cows wisely stayed out of their way.

    All the cows were good today.

    Friday 25 November 2022

    Friday 25th November - All 17 found

    Hi all, 

    All 17 found at the bottom of the look out heading into the valley. 

    All of them are looking really healthy and happy. 

    As always thank you for looking! 

    Grazing Team 

    Friday 25th November Only 14 seen not seen were 222, 228, and 235

    Thirteen were munching on acorns between the Pavillion end and Horse Pond, heading towards the pond which is where we left most of them. Only 033 was lying down in the sunshine just up from the others chewing the cud ///fury.husky.retire. They all looked well. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 24 November 2022

    Thursday 24th November. All seen.

     All good in two groups early this morning, not far eastwards of the lower lake. 


    Wednesday 23 November 2022

    Wednesday 23rd November - All 17 seen

    Seventeen remarkably dry cows, bearing in mind the earlier heavy rain, were found spread out in the area around ///soda.banana.drifters at 10:50 this morning. Twelve were lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud in the sunshine. Youngster 226 had buried herself in some long grass and was having a snooze. Older cows 72 and 940 plus youngsters 219 and 235 were grazing but soon lay down too. All the cows were good today.

    Monday 21 November 2022

    Monday 21st November All seen,

     All seen wet, cold, cold and bedraggled but otherwise alright near the Shell end of Sandy Hill ///pythons.warriors.intestine. Stay Safe, Marina & Des 

    Sunday 20 November 2022

    Sunday 20th November - 11 seen

    Cows 20, 217, 219, 220, 221, 228 and 230 were all lying down in the sunshine in the area around ///asking.vent.knots at 10:25 this morning. They were a little damp and were either chewing their cud or resting. Cows 35 and 226 were stood amongst them, chewing their cud. They soon lay down. Cow 21 was lying down under the trees at ///deeper.lodge.king. Cow 30 had joined them by 11:50 when I passed by again.
    Despite searching the whole site, I wasn't able to find the other six today. The cows that were found were good.

    Saturday 19 November 2022

    Saturday 19th November - All 17 seen

    Youngsters 217, 220, 221, 222, 226, 228 and 230 were all found in the area around ///winner.flushed.curls at 11:15 this morning.  They were mostly busy munching on grass.

    Cows 20, 30, 33, 35 and 235 were found grazing near ///rejected.cuts.doubts near the Bourley Road at 13:05.  Cows 21, 213 and 219 were together a bit further down at ///prouder.bypassed.laying hunting for acorns in the fallen leaves.  Older cows 72 and 940 were grazing close by.

    All the cows were good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...