Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 30 December 2009

    12.00, today it was wet and misty and with low visibility i did not find any of the cattle, i cycled around the whale tail and down long bottom where workmen were clearing the scrub, back up to Caesars camp via the blue barrel, and to beacon hill, and no sign of them.

    Monday 28 December 2009

    A few hours later - all in open on Bricksbury Hill.
    Hello everyone hope you all enjoyed your christmas I found cattle this morning 9 am they were on top of the bank to the north side of the gravel pit I watched them for around 15 mins all looked ok although one all black one looks a bit skinny but she was feeding ok all 12 were there one moved off westwards all alone the rest moved to the east I dont now where they went I thought they may be going to the barrel but I did not see them any more norman

    Thursday 24 December 2009

    All 12 on top of the plateau

    Had a good look at all 12 this morning on top of the camp plateau.
    All look well, and were tucking into the heather which is poking through the snow.
    Have a very Happy Christmas, and thank you for your help.

    Monday 21 December 2009

    10 only in a close knit group in birch some 400 yards west of water tower at 1 pm.  They looked well enough if not very lively.  Gorse must be rather lean fare.  Of the remaining two - no sighting.

    Sunday 20 December 2009

    I read a report in last week's papers about a cow, in the north west of England I believe, that had died a rather painful death.  The cause was attributed to its having eaten a chinese lantern.  It stated that cattle are attracted to these devices because of the bamboo they contain.  From this I assume that the paper envelope is, or can be, made of bamboo pulp.  Death was caused by a wire in the lantern which penetrated the animal's gut.  The report also suggested that this was not the first such incident in this country.

    I have observed a number of these lanterns on the heath.  It would seem sensible to remove them if you happen to come across any.

    Perhaps HWT would care to comment. 

    Saturday 19 December 2009

    16.00,unlike Steve i waited until it warmed up.so at -1, i set off on my bike brrrrrrrr,i managed to find 9 cows at Q14 they were looking for things to eat in the snow and looked o/k if a little chilly, i had i good look along the main tracks of the whale tail but could not find any others,and as the light was fading i had to set off for home.

    Only 11 Cows Seen

    Found 11 cows looking very sorry for themselves up against the fence at about P13. It was 0930 and they were clearly trying to warm themselves up in the low sunshine. My car had said it was still -3deg on the drive up Beacon Hill. There was no sign of number 12 but I confess I did not search widely for her. They all looked OK, if cold. One was salivating heavily and had dribbles (or icicles!) hanging from her mouth.

    Thursday 17 December 2009

    12.15,i managed to get some free time so took a bike ride to check the cows,i managed to find only 11 at Q11, they were slowly walking East towards Caesars camp all looked o/k.i had a little look around but could not see number 12.

    Wednesday 16 December 2009

    All cows seen

    I visited Caesars Camp today and saw all 12 of the girls sitting and chewing the cud in the midst of an orienteering event! They were on the edge of the woods in the whale's tail (far west of the site).


    Tuesday 15 December 2009

    Now 12 cows

    Bob is right (see below) - there are now 12 cows on site.
    The farmer took off the 10 in-calf cows and replaced them with 12 not-in-calf cows.
    This is partly because one of the them aborted her calf over the weekend, and the farmer wants to keep an eye on them as it gets colder.
    Thanks for all your help.
    10.30, i managed a ad-hoc visit to Caesars camp this morning and managed to count 12 cows at the gate near beaconhill at P3, all looked o/k and very inquisitive, on my return reading the front page of the blog there should be 10 cows so maybe i counted a couple twice,

    Monday 14 December 2009

    Seven of them in birch about 200 yards west of water tower; all appeared to be in good condition and grazing gorse.  Of the remaining three I got no sight.

    Thursday 10 December 2009

    Nibble the Heather Together

    Out doing the site checks today and found all of the cattle about 13.00 out at N23 moving gently toward Long Bottom. The ten were munching heather tips and a bit of gorse and all seemed fine. Took some pictures of them looking good in the winter sun and will try to post if I can master the technology.

    Monday 7 December 2009

    5th Dec, Jills post

    All 10 looked well and peaceful early this afternoon. Most were lying down at about P16 with the others just ambling around.
    Best wishes

    Saturday 5 December 2009

    I forgot to enter my blog for friday I found the cattle on my way home they 9am they were coming diagonally across the hillside from the track by the sandy hill road they eventually met me on the track at long bottom at grids qr 18 19 and made their way to the blue barrel I did not try to get to close to them until I am happy they accept my little dog I was about 6 mtrs away from them they all seemed healthy from that distance. Sat I again met them still at the blue barrel 8am they all started to move west across the slope on the north side of the track at long bottom I followed at a distance eventually they stopped to graze grids p 17 18 I was quite close to one of them around 2 mtrs it did not seem worried that I was there with my dog I watched them grazing for a while then went home ,I should say this my first sightings since they were put on site . norman.

    Thursday 3 December 2009

    Elliotts Site Checks

    Hello all,

    I arrived at CC at about 1:30 today to check all of the gates and signs and to try to find the cows.

    It takes about 30 minutes in the truck (now that I have my route sorted) to check all of the gates and nothing out of the ordinary was found which is always pleasing and a relief.

    During that 30 minutes I did not come across the cows so I then set off on a thorough drive around the entire site, back and forth, retracing my steps, time and time again and had not found any of them. By 3 I was preparing to leave as I had t then drive to wisley to return a trailer and then suddenly I saw 5 of them grazing in square M19. This then left with the dilemma of either leaving having only found five or driving around even more to find the others. My decision was made when I remembered that the trailer I had to tow to Wisley had no lights and it was now 3:15 so I had to leave the site having only found five.


    Tuesday 1 December 2009

    9 plus 1 seen

    Saw 9 of them yesterday around 11am at 20I, on the steep slope above the big sandy patch. The other one saw our truck and rushed down to say hello.
    All looking fine.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...