Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 30 June 2010

    Janets looker report

    At 9.20am the cows were looking very relaxed mostly lying down at 30c. Then i saw them again at 11am, making a lot of noise heading accross the large sandy area at about Sunny Hill 31g I have reported damage to a Fence next to kissing gate 33g.

    Tuesday 29 June 2010

    Found the cows spread over a large area near the round covered reservoir. Didn't attempt to count them but saw quite a lot of the calves.

    While walking we spotted a lot of peacock butterfly caterpillars and scarlet pimpernel.

    6 more on site

    Hello. The farmer has put an additional 3 more cows and their calves out today with the herd. It will be even more difficult to count them now!


    Monday 28 June 2010

    15 cows/calves in shaded area on Pavilion Hill; all seemed in good shape. No sighting of remainder.

    Sunday 27 June 2010

    60 in the shade...

    Found what seemed to be all the cows sheltering under a couple of trees this morning at ~0900. After walking the full length of the enclosure from the Royal Pavillion car park to the old quarries in the Whale Tail, I found them while walking back along Long Bottom (at ~R16) in a tight group around the trunk of an oak. Those on the outside appeared to be fine but it was impossible to see those standing in the middle of the group. They didn't seem to be any hurry to get out into the sunshine to graze.

    Thursday 24 June 2010

    Janets looker report

    Saw the cows this morning at 9.30am, in and around the open barn just off the first entrance of bourley road coming from Aldershot. they were resting some chewing, They all seemed happy. I presume they were all there, To many to count, I did recognise some of the original thirteen.

    Wednesday 23 June 2010

    Janets looker report

    I saw the cows this morning at 9.40am, just of the large sandy area neer the royal pavilion. They were all very quiet shading in the trees, I didnt go right up to them, but passed by the edge as i didnt want to disturb them. they all seemed quite content. I am a little concerned that the area where they were does have a lot of broken glass. I have picked up quite a lot of glass from this area in the past but there was to much too collect.
    this morning7/30 am I found the cattle grids 28/29 under the trees ,most were lying down 11 of the cows were standing ,I sat on a stump watching for 10 mins then the ones that were standing started moving off towards the pavillion end ,eventually they all went ,I followed walking through the trees they ended up near the pavillion fence, I watched to see what they were going to do they then started back to where I first saw them and stopped under a group of trees grids l 30/31I watched until 8/50 am they did not appear to be moving on at anytime soon so I left for home

    Tuesday 22 June 2010

    More cattle on Caesar's Camp

    The farmer has now put some more cattle onto Caesar’s Camp.
    He has added 24 cows and 23 calves, giving a total of 37 cows and 23 calves (total 60 animals).
    This is great, as they will be able to munch all of the new growth and keep down some of the scrub.
    Thanks for all your help. Let us know if you have any problems.
    at 8/am this morning I saw the cattle they were all moving at a fast rate along the track at the north side of the horse pond ,some entered the pond to drink still moving fast all calling out a lot ,I had the impression they had been chased at some point hence fast moving ,they carried on past the pond towards the royal pavillion end ,by the time I reached the point where I saw them they had disappeared , I tried hard to find where they had gone but had no luck

    Monday 21 June 2010

    Existing 13 up on Sandy Hill moving SW. One of the small blacks appears lame in one of her back legs. She also seems to be in a poorer condition than the two others of the breed.

    Apart from the cows - orchids on Bricksbury Hill, 3 buzzards, mallard family with chick in large gravel pit, pied wagtail, .......

    More cattle joining us

    I have just spoken to the farmer.
    He says that he will put 23 or 24 cows with their calves onto Caesar's Camp this afternoon.
    I will confirm numbers when he has done it.

    Saturday 19 June 2010

    this morning 7/30 I found the cattle as soon as I entered the site ,they were all in a tight group lying down grids p 18/19, I went across to them reluctant to disturb them so I kept my distance, from what I could see they were all ok, I stayed watching for 10 mins none looked like getting up so I left them alone and moved on ,they were all still lying down when I got to the gate to leave site.

    Friday 18 June 2010

    today at 8/am the cattle were on the area where the fire was several weeks ago on the track from the barrel to the now destroyed troop shelter, all thirteen were there most lying down ,I watched for around 15 mins slowly moving among them all looked ok ,after I had moved on they started to move down towards the barrel, like janet yesterday ,I was unable to find them

    Thursday 17 June 2010

    Janets looker report

    Was out walking for over two hours, covered a lot of the area but didnt see the cows today.

    Wednesday 16 June 2010

    Janets looker report

    First Day of Lookering, pleased to say I found all 13 Cows all looking happy, They were just off Long Bottom at about P21 at 10.30am, Some were lying resting, some lying chewing their cud, four were standing eating.
    A couple of regular dog walkers in the area have been commenting on a weed that is growing in the middle of the horse Pond. I dont think it has been there the previous years, I wondered if anyone knew what it was.

    Tuesday 15 June 2010

    Site Visit at 7.30pm

    Spotted all 13 going for an evening stroll stopping off for a drink at the pond in S13. They all looked very healthy, so nothing to report.

    Site checks

    Found all 13 cows in E24 and E25 in a very grassy, damp area just off the main track up from the car park. I've seen them here before so perhaps its very lush where it's wet. All of them apart from 1 was lying down chewing the cud, the other up grazing. The molinia here has been grazed though and is looking good. Laura

    Monday 14 June 2010

    Transited area east to west at about midday but had no sight of cattle.

    Jill looker report Sat 12th

    found them all grazing intently and moving quite quickly westward at about R15 this afternoon. They looked fine and were far too busy eating to take much notice of anything.

    Sunday 13 June 2010

    Late Risers?

    Al l 13 were lying down in the old pit right up at the west end of the Whale Tail (S5) at 0815 this morning. They all seemed content and I was reluctant to get them to their feet to check them out any more. It looked as though this was where they might have spent the night although a few of them appeared to be chewing the cud.

    Saturday 12 June 2010

    this morning 7/30 am the cattle were at the western end of the horse pond nine were lying in the new bracken growing on the area the other four were on the hillside just to the south of the long bottom track only one was standing grazing not able to get a very good look at them

    Wednesday 9 June 2010

    Elliotts Looker report

    Hello all,

    I was on site checks this week and found the cattle in J28/J29 all lying down in the shade of the oaks and chewing the cud. I spent 15 minutes looking at them all over and noticed one had a bit of a stiff rear right leg (300038) It did not look in too much pain so something just to keep an eye on if it gets worse.

    today 7/30 am the cattle were at grids o 25/26 all thirteen were there just standing in a group I watched them for 15 mins they all look ok

    Monday 7 June 2010

    Between Horse Pond & Jubilee Clump - all appeared well.

    Wednesday 2 June 2010

    More Fence Cutting

    I found the fence cut today at F34 on at the last strainer before the Royal Pavillion fence. A top wire had broken up on Sandy Hill, but I think this has looked dodgy for a while. Both are fixed.

    The cattle themselves were in the woods at I30 around 1 pm, and all were present and looked good. I suppose they were seeking some shade as the day warmed up.

    Dave J

    Tuesday 1 June 2010

    7/30 am today the cattle were spread widely near the horse pond ,eight were on the hillside to the south of the pond ,the other five were on the track under the trees to the south of the long bottom track making their way eastwards,to wide spread to say what grids any were in ,I got close to most of them they all looked well coats nice and clean no runny noses eyes all clear

    jill's looker report

    Saturday All 13 were wandering purposefully westwards along the bottom track at about F21. They seemed fine at F21 lots of eating and head butting.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...