Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 29 February 2016

    Cattle all seen and licks delivered

    Hello all.

    I found all of the cattle today in O24 thanks to a tip off from the MOD Warden. 

    They all looked great and showed mixed interest in the two feed blocks I put out to them.

    I will be having a large herd put out onto the reservoir site next door, later this week.  Hopefully they will remain as two herds, nose to nose, over the fence but I have my doubts.  We will have to see how it goes.


    12.00 noon 14 or maybe 15 (3 white remainder black) on Bricksbury Hill browsing.

    Friday 26 February 2016

    Friday 26th Feb 15.10

    13 cattle seen grazing quietly on high path parallel to Sandy Hill. All seemed in good order.

    Thursday 25 February 2016

    Late on Thursday

    Came across at least 12 around N21/22 late this afternoon - it was too dark to be sure about more, but the ones I could see looked fine.  It was good not to have any scrambler bikes around.
    Due to domestic events my walk was posponed till this afternoon, which unfortunately gave the cattle time to cam up and hide hence no sightings!!!!

    Increased scrambler activity. Officer in charge of case plus details for your info:

    Hi all,

    I have been getting a lot of calls and a fair amount of emails about increased scrambler activity near the south side (Sandy Hill area) of Caesars. Last Tuesday at 3.55, and last 2 sundays around 3.00 / 3.30pm. The information I am receiving is excellent and I am passing it all to the MOD wardens and Surrey police (101 number) with the hopes of them working together on this. The officer dealing with this case is a Mr Phil Peacock. Ref number P16040934. It is my hope that between all of us we can put a stop to the activity or at the very least reduce it.

    Please note that the gate nearest the football pitch leading onto Caesars has been tampered with by said scramblers and / or spectators so that it now does not close properly. Dave and I will be out there tomorrow to attempt to fix it.

    IMPORTANT: As soon as anyone witnesses scrambler activity PLEASE ring 101 immediately - choose Surrey Police when the option presents itself, and ring Officer Peacock on extension number: 32564 quoting the above reference number. The police wont / can't act until something is actually happening there and then. Failing getting through to said officer, simply give the reference number and as much detail as you can when you get through to someone e.g.

    Date and Time
    Description of riders and/or spectators
    Licence plates if any (2 white vans have been seen parked near to entrance around the football pitch area and scramblers taken out of these vehicles).

    Thanks for your time and vigilance ladies and gents,



    Wednesday 24 February 2016

    Wonderful afternoon for walking! Bright and crisp. Lots of dog walkers out and about and also several soldiers and military vehicles. We found 4 cows right on top of the lookout beside the seating, lazing in the winter sunshine, then a further 6 cows over at about P13 grazing close beside a small army encampment of about 6 vehicles that had set up a temporary signal post with tents and a small fire. These 6 looked perfectly relaxed and happy to be keeping the soldiers company. Then, on the way back we found all the remaining 12 cows wondering slowly around R16. So, nice to see a full house today, all looked well.

    Wednesday am

    No initial sightings, but could hear a cow calling in the gorse bushes on the hill at the side of the track around M24. Could also hear a dog running around in the same area. As we were coming away, a small black cow came crashing out of the bushes, at speed, and ran off up the track, in the direction of the Horse Pond.

    Tuesday 23 February 2016

    At 11.00 this morning passed 7 black/black & white just below Horse Pond.  They seemed to be moving very gradually up the valley.

    Tuesday am

    Only 4 seen, just north of the Horse Pond. They were being annoyed by two small terriers who's owner was on the far side of the pond and had no control over them. They took it in their stride and just moved away. The contractors were busy clearing gorse on Brown Loaf Hill.

    Monday 22 February 2016

    4 and 9 and 9

    First thing Monday morning they were in three groups, a group of four and two groups of nine. All came out of the brush fairly eagerly with a rattle of a bucket. On and off within an hour!!!

    Sunday 21 February 2016

    Sunday morning - 0730 - 12 cattle grazing in area of R4 and S4 no issues.

    John Hurst

    Sunday am

    Contractors hard at work clearing gorse. Only 4 seen, helping guard the soldier's kit around Sunny Hill.

    Friday 19 February 2016

    Friday afternoon walk with the dog

    walked from Sandy Hill to the lookout at Caesars Camp, keeping to the high ground. No cattle seen.

    Thursday 18 February 2016

    Early walk though a late report. Took a while to find the heard this morning as they where foraging in the trees on the north side of the ridge below the trig point. Numbers were between 16-18 and all seemed well.

    Thursday am

    Counted 13, very spread out, amongst the trees and bushes on both sides of the track between O23 and M28. They were all quietly feeding and slowly drifting in an easterly direction.

    Tuesday 16 February 2016

    Tuesday am

    At least 9 fairly spread out around I28. Some were being quite vocal and I could hear others in the distance. The majority were sheltering from the cold amongst the trees.

    Monday 15 February 2016

    Monday 15th February

    Found the cattle quite spread out today. 16 were around L27 picking through gorse and heather. A bit more searching revealed the remaining 6 in L29 enjoying the sunshine. All of them are looking really well including #83 who's leg seems to be better now.

    Sunday 14 February 2016

    Sunday 14 - sunny afternoon

    Found two groups - one of 12 at F28 and one of 9 or 10 at D27. I tried to spot the lame one but only saw one moving a bit stiffly, so I hope she is better.  The others looked okay, and calm and content.

    Saturday 13 February 2016

    Saturday am

    2 cows (the fawn one and a black one) browsing their way along the track, below the tree line, on Hungry Hill, heading in the direction of the Horse Pond. Perhaps they're checking out the course for tomorrow's motorcycle meeting. Both wet, but otherwise well, no sightings of the rest. 

    Thursday 11 February 2016

    Thursday am

    On the way out, 8 (approximately) moving through the thick gorse around H32/33 and a further 3 a little way up the track towards Hungry Hill. They were browsing as they moved and all looked well. On the way back, all had gone into hiding, except for four, grazing in the sunshine, on the track at H32
    Cold crisp and bright morning and evasive  cattle that were difficult to find with only found and they appeared to be in good order.

    Wednesday 10 February 2016

    Wednesday 10th February - Site Check

    The cattle made it easy for me today by being roughly in the same locations as Las week. Found a herd of 10 not far from the water tower. This included the lame one who is looking much better now. Found the other 12 down by the horse pond again. All cattle looking very well.

    Visit - 0730 to 8.45am

    During daily walk saw 8 cattle between Looker map ref:- L19,L20 & L21. Cattle grazing no issues
    Wednesday 10 Feb.

    Monday 8 February 2016

    Lame heifer showing good recovery signs

    Jack visited the cattle and is pleased to report the heifer that has hurt her foot is showing some good signs of recovery.

    She is now able to put weight on it although she is still walking gingerly.

    To speed the healing process up jack will be giving her an anti inflammatory injection.

    Thanks. All


    Sunday 7 February 2016

    Sunday am

    At least 4 hiding amongst the trees at N26 and the 2 brown cows grazing happily at G32, watching the Army going about their business.

    Saturday 6 February 2016

    Saturday afternoon

    Found 10 at about S11, they seemed fine, and 11 around I31.  The latter group included the injured heifer.  She was drinking and feeding when I came across her and seemed to have a mark on the outside of the top of the leg. 
    Whilst I was watching her, a dog appeared which made her run, which she managed to do but very slowly.  I asked the owner several times to take the dog away which he only grudgingly did after the dog had tried again, several times, to chase the heifer.  She seemed okay when I left.

    Friday 5 February 2016

    Heifer number 83 (small balck one) has a limp in her rear right leg. Please could you report in if you see it with a quick sentence for us?

    Hello all,

    One to watch out for and monitor.

    We have just had a report that one of our heifers (heifer #83) has a limp in its rear right leg. It’s one of the smaller black heifers. A member of staff has been up to see and confirm that it is indeed limping as of today. But it’s keeping up with the herd, and continues to graze normally. In my experience, these strains usually sort themselves out in a week or so, we hope that by this next week the problem will have been sorted itself out. Our stocksman is aware of it and will give the animal a chance to heal naturally before giving it anti inflammatories, these animals should be viewed as wild animals, they are very hardy and are out there 365 days a year, so please not be overly concerned.

    That’s about it for the time being. Thank you for your time.


    Thursday 4 February 2016

    Took a while to find the cattle this morning though there was only eleven with one of them taking advantage of a low tree to have a good back and neck scratch.

    Thursday am

    10 enjoying the recently cleared area to the east of the Horse Pond.

    Wednesday 3 February 2016

    Wednesday afternoon

    Walking at about 3:30 we quickly came across 12 cows spread out near the boundary of The Sandy Hill estate.This group included the pretty cream coloured cow and the ginger and white one. These two always seem to be together. Then we came across a further 9 beside the track in the valley below.They were in amongst the tall shrub, so although we only saw 9, there could easily have been another , which would have made the full house! All looked calm and well, although one of the black cows was 'mooing' loudly and incessantly.

    Wednesday morning - early walk as usual

    7.30am to  8.45am  no cattle seen throughout the walk
    John Hurst.

    Monday 1 February 2016

    All seen and accounted for

    After a little bit on verb that not all 22 had been seen on the same ft rich set out on a mission.

    3 hours later mission accomplished!!!!


    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...