Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 25 February 2016

    Increased scrambler activity. Officer in charge of case plus details for your info:

    Hi all,

    I have been getting a lot of calls and a fair amount of emails about increased scrambler activity near the south side (Sandy Hill area) of Caesars. Last Tuesday at 3.55, and last 2 sundays around 3.00 / 3.30pm. The information I am receiving is excellent and I am passing it all to the MOD wardens and Surrey police (101 number) with the hopes of them working together on this. The officer dealing with this case is a Mr Phil Peacock. Ref number P16040934. It is my hope that between all of us we can put a stop to the activity or at the very least reduce it.

    Please note that the gate nearest the football pitch leading onto Caesars has been tampered with by said scramblers and / or spectators so that it now does not close properly. Dave and I will be out there tomorrow to attempt to fix it.

    IMPORTANT: As soon as anyone witnesses scrambler activity PLEASE ring 101 immediately - choose Surrey Police when the option presents itself, and ring Officer Peacock on extension number: 32564 quoting the above reference number. The police wont / can't act until something is actually happening there and then. Failing getting through to said officer, simply give the reference number and as much detail as you can when you get through to someone e.g.

    Date and Time
    Description of riders and/or spectators
    Licence plates if any (2 white vans have been seen parked near to entrance around the football pitch area and scramblers taken out of these vehicles).

    Thanks for your time and vigilance ladies and gents,



    1 comment:

    1. It's not just in the afternoons. A couple of weeks ago, I saw bikes being unloaded in the Bourley Road car park, as I drove past at about 11:00 am. One day last week, there was a bike tearing up and down the main tracks at excessive speeds, around 10:00 am.


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