Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 31 January 2022

    11.15 Mon 31st January. Only 16 seen

     We found 16 cows and we think heard what we hope was 072 in and around ///latest.requiring.butchers. We waited about ten mins for him to come out of the gorse to no avail. Those we did see, if only a backside deep in a gorse bush, looked well or though 940 still has a cough and we didn't see 020 walking. Stay Safe, Marina & Des


    Sunday 30 January 2022

    Sunday 30th January - All 17 seen

    All the cattle were in the same general area at 12:10 this afternoon but were in their own little groups.  Cows 35 and 230 were grazing at ///arrival.ocean.catapult.  Cows 20, 30 and 72 were bedded down in the bracken enjoying the sunshine at ///modes.explained.manicured.  Youngster 219 was grazing alongside them. Cows 21, 33, 217, 220, 221, 222 and 228 were all grazing amongst the trees at ///intruders.tenure.iterative.  Yearlings 213 and 235 were grazing at ///waitress.recruited.culminate. Youngster 226 at ///hiding.spill.conveying and cow 940 was in the bushes at ///spenders.custodial.callers.  All the cattle were good.

    There was a pre-1965 motorbike trial happening at the Royal Pavillion / Hungry Hill end of the site today.

    Saturday 29 January 2022

    Saturday 29th January - All 17 seen

    All seventeen cattle were grazing in the area around ///alarming.stutter.cement at 11:45 this morning. They were all happily munching away in the sunshine despite the strong breeze. While cow 20 continues to walk gingerly, it's not affecting his appetite or ability to cross the toughest of terrain to get to the tastiest food!

    Friday 28 January 2022

    Video of 020


    09.30 Friday 28th January All found

     All found around ///devoured.teaches.heeding. They seem to be heading in the general direction of the gorse and mostly seem well. 020 was very stiff and we were asked by a dog walker about him so I told her to report any concerns to HIWWT. I recorded a short video of 020 if anyone would like to see it. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 27 January 2022

    Lame no. 20

    The older cow no. 20 is slightly lame but not in distress but needs to be kept an eye on.

    Thursday 27th January. All seen.

     All 17 scattered along the top of Sandy Hill and looked fine. I followed 20 along the path and she was definitely walking with a bit of difficulty. Didn’t seem too bothered though - and anyway, Graham was there too. 


    Wednesday 26 January 2022

    25th Jan

    All 17 seen and all looking well

    Wednesday 26th January - 10 seen

    Cows 20, 35, 72, 213, 219, 221, 228, 230, 235 and 940 were all grazing in the area around ///stepping.ferrying.crouches at 08:20 this morning.  They were all happy and healthy.

    There was no sight nor sound of the other seven despite a good walk around the site.

    Monday 24 January 2022

    Monday 24th January All seen

    Having passed James Bond pond, with ever intention of making for lookout point, a lucky sighting by Des of 030's backside had us rushing off  in that direction before he disappeared. We found a mixed group of 6 in the gorse and heather ///certified.unheated.baseballs, then seeing no more further onto Ceasers we continued down the main path were we found the rest spread out in the woods and up the side of Ceasers ///venue.composes.soap. Apart from one this group was heading in the general direct of Horse pond. The other one, 020, popped out of the gorse ///endings.unloaded.officers as we made our way to around the top of the hill. All looked well. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 23 January 2022

    Sunday 23rd January - 14 seen

    The cattle were in two groups today.  Cows 21, 30, 35, 72, 213, 217, 230 and 235 were all seen in the area around ///turkey.hiring.nipping at 11:40 this morning.  Cow 21 was lying down and cow 30 was stood chewing his cud.  The others emerged from the gorse bushes and continued to graze or chew their cud.

    Cows 20, 33, 219, 221, 226 and 940 were all seen at ///ditching.soulful.glass.  They were all grazing but by 12:15 were all lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud.

    The other three I'm sure were grazing very deep in the gorse bushes close to the first group.  There was rustling in the bushes but I couldn't see them despite various attempts.

    Saturday 22 January 2022

    Saturday 22nd January - All 17 seen

    A mixed group of fifteen cattle was seen around ///lamp.peanut.hedgehog on Sandy Hill at 11:20 this morning.  They were slowly wandering towards the Shell garage end grazing, chewing their cud and drinking from puddles as they went.  Youngsters 222 and 230 were munching on gorse deep in the bushes at ///during.airship.interact.  They eventually came out and wandered along and joined the main group.  The cattle were all happy and healthy.

    The lick that was put out for them midweek remains largely untouched at ///lunges.prestige.remarried.

    Friday 21 January 2022

    Friday 21st January - All 17 seen

    Further to Marina's earlier update, all seventeen cattle were busy grazing in the area around ///incur.manuals.scans at 15:35.  They were all fine.

    Friday 21st January None seen

     We walked from Sandy Hill around the ponds, checking the flat areas, to lookout point. Took a path to the woods and Horse Pond, and down to the Pavilion end, then up through the trees and back to Sandy Hill. No sighting of any cows, very disappointing . Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 20 January 2022

    Thursday 20th January. All seen.

     All seen grazing or snoozing near the top pond. One or two buried deep in gorse. All looked well. 21 didn’t appear to be favouring poorly leg at all.


    Wednesday 19 January 2022

    Wednesday - also saw all 17 as part if the staff rounds. All well and Ginge stuck her head in through the car window...

    Wednesday 19th January - All 17 seen

    A mixed group of fourteen cattle were seen around ///matchbox.navigate.hogs on Sandy Hill at 10:45 this morning.   They were all grazing, chewing their cud or munching on gorse from the nearby bushes.  The other three (20, 72 and 221) were further along Sandy Hill but soon wandered along and joined the main group.  Cow 20 was walking better today than he was on Saturday, and he seemed overall happier.  

    All the cows were good.

    Monday 17 January 2022

    0900 Monday 17th January All seen

    Went through the last/first gate of Sandy Hill expecting to search around the Shell garage area but there was 940 just to the right of us at the end of Long Bottom ///elders.tailors.will. The rest were spread out up towards James Bond pond. All 17 were grazing on the move including 020 who of course would not walk while we stood there. When we finished our walk some were already on Sandy Hill while about 6 were still in the same area we had originally seen them. Checked recently mended gate and it is still Okay. Stay Safe, Marina & Des


    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...