Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 31 March 2022

    Thursday 31st March. All seen

     They were all scattered about on the far side of the covered reservoir. All good.


    Wednesday 30 March 2022

    Wednesday 30th March - All 17 seen

    Cow 35 was grazing all by himself in amongst the trees at ///myself.gather.tent at 12:55 this afternoon.  He was a long way from the others.

    The other sixteen were all on Sandy Hill in the area around ///asterisk.unit.payer at 13:30.  A mixed group of eleven were all lying down, relaxing.  Youngsters 222 and 230 were properly relaxing!   Yearlings 213, 220, and 235 were grazing close by.

    Older cows 20 and 30 were grazing in the gorse bushes at ///teach.snacks.encourage.  The patch on cow 30's side appears to have healed very quickly, I couldn't see any sign of the red mark today.  He was having fun in the bushes, pulling down and breaking branches to get the best leaves.  He appeared ok today.

    By 14:20 they had all got up and moved into the trees at the far end of Sandy Hill (Royal Pavilion end).  All the cattle were fine today.

    Tuesday 29 March 2022

    Tuesday 29th March - All 17 seen - Cow 30 red patch on belly

    Sixteen cattle were seen grazing in the area around ///thrilled.storming.deeds at 13:40 this afternoon.  They were all happy and healthy.

    Cow 30 was by himself a bit further round near James Bond pond ///caves.boils.slimy.  He was in some large bushes, not doing a great deal like on Sunday.  When the other cattle got a bit nearer, he came out and I noticed he had a red patch on his lower belly, right-hand side.  Not sure if it's a tick bite or something else (photos below)?

    Monday 28 March 2022

    Monday 28th March - All 17 seen

    The cattle were all back together and were grazing at ///wades.wasps.reduction at 15:30 this afternoon.  Cow 30 was looking a lot happier today and was busy munching with the rest of the herd.  All the cattle were good.

    Monday 28th March Only the 10 youngsters seen

     We found the youngsters at ///loitering.refrained.armful by the gate to Gelvert nearest to James Bond pond. They all looked well grazing and playing. There was no sight, not that there was much visibility to start with, or sound of the others and an hour later there was no sign of the youngsters either. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 27 March 2022

    Sunday 27th March - All 17 seen

    The ten youngsters were all seen grazing at ///grumbling.diet.again on Sandy Hill at 12:45 this afternoon.  They were heading towards the Royal Pavillion end of the hill.

    Older cattle 20, 21, 33, 35, 72 and 940 were all grazing in the area around ///dorm.whimpered.drilled at 13:05.  They were slowly moving towards the Shell garage end of the site.

    Cow 30 was found at ///jogged.sensibly.spot at 13:30.  He was stood by himself in amongst some bushes and trees off the main path.  He was chewing his cud and occasionally rubbing his head against a tree.  Although somewhat unusual, he appeared ok.  When the other cattle drew level with him at 14:10, he came out and started picking leaves from the bushes.

    It appears there have been another couple of small fires in recent times.  A lot of burnt bushes and ground at ///clan.mothering.acids and at ///custard.shuffle.tasteful which were found when looking for cow 30 today.

    All the cattle were good.

    Saturday 26 March 2022

    Saturday 26th March - All 17 seen

    Cattle 20, 21, 30, 35, 72, 213 and 217 were seen grazing at ///proud.luxury.weds at 11:50 this morning.  After a short while, cows 35 and 213 had a lie down while the others continued to graze among the trees.

    The other two older cattle plus eight youngsters were all seen grazing at ///twins.paint.reverses at 12:25.

    All the cattle were good today.

    Friday 25 March 2022

    Friday 25th March - All 17 seen

    The seventeeen cattle were all back together and were busy grazing in the area around ///steam.luxury.fondest at 16:00 this afternoon.  They were all happily munching away in the sunshine.

    Friday 25th March Only 14 seen

     After we drove the length of Sandy Hill and had not seen any cows so we walked from there around James Bond, look out, Horse pond and the Pavillion end, then back along Long Bottom where we were tipped off that the cows were on the grassy triangle at the far end of Sandy Hill ///suddenly.conducted.jolly. We found 13 there and they then decided to follow us to the woods ///engrossed.engaging.riverboat, where another one pop out. But after much bellowing from 940 and some of the youngsters no more appeared. The missing are 021, 033 and 072. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 24 March 2022

    Thursday 24th March. All seen.

     All good off Sandy Hill, munching or dozing.


    Wednesday 23 March 2022

    Wednesday 23rd March - All 17 seen

    A mixed group of thirteen cattle were all lying down, relaxing and enjoying the sunshine at 11:00 this morning.  They were all on Sandy Hill at ///occupations.grasp.affords.  There were a fair few flies buzzing around and landing on their faces but they didn't appear to be too bothered.

    Cattle 20, 213, 220 and 940 were up and about and were busy grazing close by.  They had started wandering along Sandy Hill towards the Shell garage end.

    By 12:30 all the cattle were up and were together grazing in a group.  They had made it as far as ///condense.goat.worker.  They were all good.

    Monday 21 March 2022

    Monday 21st March All seen

     By the time we finished our walk they had all gathered around ///newlyweds.storyline.optimally. Apart from the tick activity they were all grazing and appeared well. Stay Safe, Marina & Des


    Sunday 20 March 2022

    Sunday 20th March - All 17 seen

    Older cattle 20, 21, 33, 35 and 72 were grazing at ///logbook.helper.total on Sandy Hill at 11:20 this morning.  Cow 30 was munching in the bushes alongside.  Cow 940 was grazing by herself a bit further along the hill at ///differ.logic.emotional.
    Youngsters 217, 220, 221, 222, 226, 228 and 230 were all grazing at the bottom of Sandy Hill in the area around ///grips.recruiter.immunity.   

    By 12:10 cow 940 and the seven youngsters had joined the six older cattle.  The missing three yearlings came wandering along the path at the top of Sandy Hill to make the full seventeen.  I've no idea where they had been hiding!    All the cattle were good.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...