Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Sunday 31 July 2022

    Sunday 31st July - All 25 seen

    Yearlings 238 and 241 were grazing in the area around ///confident.against.mashing at 12:35 this afternoon.  Older cow 21 plus youngsters 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 230 and 235 plus yearling 248 were all busy grazing around ///workbench.relate.plastic.

    Older cows 20, 30, 35, 72 and 940 plus youngster 213 plus yearlings 242 and 257 were in the cow shed.  Cow 940 was lying down, resting.  The others were stood, mainly chewing their cud.

    Older cow 33 plus youngsters 226 and 228 plus yearlings 244, 245 and 247 all started appearing from the woodland at the rear of the cow shed from about 13:10.  They joined the others who had all come together at the cow shed.

    There were a huge number of flies around today, which were being particularly drawn to the cow's faces.  They were shaking their heads frequently to try to move them on, without much success.  It really didn't look very pleasant for them.  Regardless, all the cows were good today.

    Saturday 30 July 2022

    Saturday 30th July - All 25 seen

    Youngsters 217, 219, 226 and yearling 247 were seen wandering down the path from Hungry Hill to the Horse Pond at 10:40 this morning. They stopped off and had a drink before heading into the trees at the side of the Pond at ///regal.perky.riverbank. The seven older cows, another six of the youngsters and six of the yearlings were already in the same trees. They were mostly lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud. There were a lot of flies around today. Youngster 230 and yearling 238 were missing, but after about 40 minutes they appeared at the pond and had a drink before heading into the same trees where they joined the rest of the herd. All the cows were good today.

    Friday 29 July 2022

    Friday 29th July - All 25 Seen

    Hi All, 

    The cows were seen this afternoon 5 yearlings at the graffitied cattle barn, the other 20 were at the top of the hill in the sunny corner by the housing estate. 

    We at some point next week will be moving them across Gelvert to Camp 45 as we've had two cases of the yearlings coming down with an illness. We are just setting up a water supply now.

    We'll let you know when we move them across.

    As always thanks for all your help! 

    Assistant Grazing Officer 

    Thursday 28 July 2022

    Thursday 28th July. 21 seen.

     A mixture of at least 6 of the older ones and 15 others (both age groups) were all crammed into the shed by the Bourley Road so I couldn’t see all their numbers to identify the missing four, of which there was no sign in that area. Lots of flies.


    Wednesday 27 July 2022

    Wednesday 27th July - All 25 seen

    Had just finished my first loop of Gelvert without finding any cows, when I caught sight of the rear end of cow 242 munching in the bushes on the Caesar's side of the cattle grid at ///stocks.euphoric.earlobe at 18:40.   Cows 230 and 257 were with him.  They wandered along the path to the trees at ///written.suffice.mystified where another twelve cows were grazing.  The final ten were a bit further up the path, wandering towards the area around ///hence.textiles.avocado where they all started grazing.  The others all slowly joined them.

    I gave Graham at HIWWT a call to make him aware the cattle were back on Caesar's, and he kindly advised that there was an issue with a fence on Gelvert and the cows had been returned to Caesar's.

    All the cows were good this evening.

    It's very distressing to hear that another yearling has taken ill on Caesar's.  Get well soon Hobbit (yearling 255)!

    ATTENTION - all cows returned to Caesars Camp

    Sunday 24 July 2022

    Sunday 24th July - All 26 seen

    Not happy at only finding half the cows earlier, I decided to have another go 😉.

    Cows 21, 35, 217, 221 and 222 were still at the Bourley Road end of the site.  They were busy grazing and stopped to have a drink from a stream in the area around ///blank.lifeguard.adjust at 17:50.

    Yearlings 241, 245 and 257 were found grazing at ///surpasses.slung.vows about 20 minutes later.  They were happily munching away.

    The other eighteen cows came wandering up from the Long Bottom direction, stopping off in the area around ///lashed.defected.energy for a bit of a graze at 19:10.  They then crossed over the path and continued grazing in the area under the Lookout.

    All the cows were good this evening.

    Sunday 24th July - 13 seen

    Cows 219, 220, 228, 230, 244, 247 and 255 were found lying down resting in the area around ///grins.printer.apron at 11:50 this morning.  Cow 248 was lying down on the patch of grass on the opposite side of the path.  Cow 255 had buried herself in between a couple of trees and was having a snooze.  The others were all relaxing and chewing their cud.  They had a fair few flies on their faces today.

    After a long search, cows 21, 35, 217, 221 and 222 were found at ///suspect.tidal.stud near Bourley Road at 13:35.  It looked like cow 21 hadn't long got up to his feet, but the other four were lying down, resting under some trees.  

    The cows that were seen were all good today.  No idea where the other thirteen were hiding though.

    Saturday 23 July 2022

    Saturday 23rd July - All 26 seen

    Cows 21, 35, 217, 221, 222, 241, 245 and 257 were all taking cover from the sun in the trees to the side of Horse Pond around ///survey.sample.classmate at 11:05 this morning.  The yearlings were lying down relaxing.  The others were mainly stood chewing their cud, with a couple stopping to have a scratch against some tree branches.

    The other eighteen cows were all seen in the area around ///shaver.hero.continues an hour later.  Most were lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud.  Some had buried themselves in bracken.  The others were stood alongside, chewing their cud.  There were a few flies around today, which were mainly collecting in the corner of the cow's eyes.  They didn't appear to be causing too many issues, with heads getting shaken frequently to move them on.

    All the cows were good today.

    Friday 22 July 2022

    Friday 22nd July

     All found in one big group in the woodlands West of horse pond. No issues here, they were all hiding from the rain. 

    Thursday 21 July 2022

    Thursday 21st July. All seen.

    All 26 were scattered about not far from the top pond. Some wading through the stream and boggy areas, some in the bracken and trees. All looked cool and happy. 


    Wednesday 20 July 2022

    Wednesday 20th July - All 26 seen

    The seven older cows, the nine yearlings and youngsters 213, 219, 226 and 235 were all seen in the area around ///readings.dormant.gullible at 19:10 this evening.  They were pretty widely spread out.  Most were grazing or relaxing while standing before they slowly started to lie down.  Older cow 940 decided to wander through the long grass to have a drink from James Bond pond and half the group decided to follow her.

    The other six youngsters 217, 220, 221, 222, 228 and 230 were all seen grazing in the area under ///overused.webcams.hugs about 40 minutes later.  While I couldn't get down to check them, they were all looking well and were munching away enthusiastically.  They were slowly following a path that would eventually take them towards the Lookout.

    All the cows were good today.

    Monday 18 July 2022

    Monday 18th July. Only 18 seem. FYI We will not be out for the next two Fridays & Mondays

     We first saw them from lookout between us and the fenced off area from where they made their way to Horse pond, at 0930, and were last seen in the thicket, ///pulps.decrease.tabloid., to the side of said. Some have lots of flies around their eyes but none appeared to be infected, we had a good look as they traversed the main path in ones and twos. Not seen are 020, 222, 235, 241, 244, 248, 255, and 257. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...