Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 1 August 2009

    Saturday evening

    1830. Very difficult to get an accurate count, but there were a large number of cows scattered all over from R14/15 up to P21/22. All looked well.

    The bull seemed to have paired off with one of the ladies, but as ever seemed more interested in stuffing his face than paying her any attention!

    I saw 145. She seemed rather grumpy and gave me a right bellowing, so I didn't bother her for too long. But long enough to see that although the bad leg looks a little stiff and limpy, she does seem to be using it well. When I saw her she was grazing on a steep incline towards long bottom.

    One very lovely sight was a group of 4 calves that had been grazing on the top of a hill, noticed that all the others had moved lower down and left them all alone, so the four of them came thundering down the hill to where the adults were. They looked very funny.

    Not so sweet were the 3 youths speeding around the place on a quad bike and a mini-moto - though I think after they'd seen me with my camera and binocs, they might have thought I was official or something because they left the area.

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