Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 30 June 2022

    Thursday 30th June. All seen - I think!

    They were all scattered in little groups to the left of the main path up to the lookout, and onwards. Many munching grass, some buried in the high gorse - I couldn’t get to them all to see numbers and may have counted a couple twice. All looked good.


    Tuesday 28 June 2022

    Tuesday 28th June

     All 27 found scattered between lookout and horse pond. First group of 16 came to a bucket, the other 11 seen from lookout but I didn't call them over as there were too many people about! 

    Monday 27 June 2022

    Monday 27th June - All 27 seen

    All twenty-seven cows were seen in two groups lying down beside each other in the area around ///rocks.wrong.rare at 17:15 this evening.  They were lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud.  Some were snoozing.  Occasionally they'd get up and stretch before lying back down.

    Shortly before a heavy shower at 17:50, nine of the yearlings got up and wandered over to the woods at Sunny Hill Road.  When the rain started, the seventeen original Caesar's cows plus yearling 257 all got up and wandered single file to the trees at ///dish.flops.option where they took shelter while munching on leaves.

    All the cows were good today.

    Sunday 26 June 2022

    Sunday 26th June - All 27 seen

    Six of the older cows plus all ten yearlings were seen on Sandy Hill in the area around ///stream.socket.opposites at 16:15 this afternoon.  They were mostly lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud.  However, some were up and about grazing, but were slowly one by one lying down.

    The seven youngsters I couldn't find yesterday - cows 213, 217, 220, 221, 222, 228 and 230 - were all still together and were seen around ///verve.marsh.included at 17:00.  They too were mostly lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud.  Cows 217, 228 and 230 were grazing but soon lay down too.

    After wandering around the entire site and not finding the missing four, I circled back around to where the initial sixteen were found only to happily discover they had been joined by cows 35, 219, 226 and 230 making the full gang.

    All the cows were good today.

    (Sometime between my visit yesterday and today, someone has carried out a permanent repair to the tree damage reported in my blog post from 17th June.  I have a photo if anyone wants to see it).

    Saturday 25 June 2022

    Saturday 25th June - 20 seen

    Nine yearlings were seen happily grazing around ///dodging.belly.folks at 10:50 this morning.  Older cows 30 and 35, youngsters 219, 226 and 235 plus yearling 247 were grazing a bit further round at ///poorly.meatball.flicked.  It is fairly boggy in that area, but it wasn't putting them off their munching.  The other five older cows were grazing even further round at ///comical.bogus.stop.  

    Despite an extensive walk around the site, I wasn't able to find the seven other youngsters.

    All the cows that were seen were good today.

    Friday 24 June 2022

    Still in quarantine because it is covid

     Hi, we have covid and although we have had all the jabs are still unwell so we wont be out until we have negative tests. It wont be Monday and probably not Friday next week. Stay Safe, avoid family dinners even the alfresco ones, Marina & Des

    Thursday 23 June 2022

    Thursday 23rd June. All 27 seen.

     At last seen them all. Scattered on the west slopes above the lower pond. A few were paddling. Some lying deep in the bracken. All good.


    Wednesday 22 June 2022

    Wednesday 22nd june

     All found together just above the sniper area. No issues

    Tuesday 21 June 2022

    Tuesday 21st June - All 27 seen

    Yearlings 241, 245, 247, 248, 252 and 255 were all grazing around ///should.beyond.discount at 17:00 this afternoon.  They were all happily munching away despite many flies bothering them.

    The other twenty-one cows were all seen in the area around ///tweed.congas.named about 30 minutes later.  They were seeking shade from the sun and the flies.  Most were lying down, or getting ready to lie down, among the trees.  Cows 72 and 940 were stood huddled together under a neighbouring set of trees, providing cover to each other.  Cow 35 was grazing close by but soon joined the others.

    All the cows were good today.

    It looks like someone may have left some fence repair materials behind.  They are just inside the Bourley Road gate, nearest the Royal Pavilion.

    Sunday 19 June 2022

    Sunday 19th June Not going out

     As we are not sure what we have been infected with, but pretty sure it covid, and are both feeling unwell we will not be checking on the cows tomorrow or Friday. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Saturday 18 June 2022

    Saturday 18th June - All 27 seen

    Yearlings 244, 245, 247 and 252 were grazing along the front of the Horse Pond at 10:40 this morning.  The other six yearlings were grazing a bit further along the path at ///cubic.runs.deploying.

    After a very long search, I eventually found the other seventeen in the area around the cow shed at 12:55.  Older cows 35, 72 and 940 were in the shed along with youngsters 217, 219, 220, 221, 226, 228, 230 and 235.  They were all relaxing, with most chewing their cud.  Older cow 30 was lying down outside the shed.

    Youngster 222 was guarding the footbridge close to the shed.  He stood at the start of it for at least 10 minutes and forced walkers and cyclists to turn back and go the long way round ðŸ˜‚.  He eventually crossed the bridge and went off grazing.
    Cows 20 and 21 plus youngster 213 were grazing close by.  They were particularly interested in munching on holly bush leaves today.  Cow 33 was grazing by himself a bit further away at ///sang.backyards.crows, but he slowly made his way towards the others and lay down to rest close to the footbridge.

    All the cows were good today.  Whatever the mark was on cow 217's face yesterday, it was gone today.

    Friday 17 June 2022

    Friday 17th June - All 27 seen

    The ten yearlings were all seen in the area around ///theory.delays.tasty on Sandy Hill at 15:40 this afternoon.  Five were busy grazing and the other five were lying down.  The five lying down were mostly under the shade of the trees while being cooled by a nice refreshing breeze.

    The seventeen others were mostly all found in the trees around ///cornering.young.flag at 17:15.  They were all taking shelter from the scorching sun.  If cow 21 hadn't stood up to stretch, I'm fairly certain I would have missed him and cow 20 who were lying down outside the cover of the trees, hiding in a clearing between some bracken.

    Cow 217 was back with the group ðŸ˜Š.  However, he had a black stripe going from just below his right eye down to his jaw line (see photos).  It didn't appear to be causing him any issues, and it wasn't attracting any flies or anything, so we'll keep an eye on it over the coming days.

    All the cows were good today.

    Friday 17th June - Tree Damage

    Shortly after passing ///boats.whips.letter at 15:25 this afternoon, a large branch split from one of the trees causing a tremendous crashing noise as it fell to the ground sending dust flying everywhere.  The footpath is pretty much blocked.

    Friday 17th June None

     Quite soon after the start of our walk Des decided it was to much for him, he wasn't well yesterday. A cold, covid, flu something like that. Anyway we didn't get to see any of the cows. Stay Safe, Marina & Des 

    Wednesday 15 June 2022

    Wednesday 15th June - 26 seen

    Nine of the youngsters were lying down in the area around ///downward.cherubs.press at 17:25 this afternoon.  They were trying to relax but were getting harassed by a large number of flies.  They were occasionally standing up and stretching before moving to another spot to try to get comfortable.

    Yearlings 238, 241, 244, 245, 247 and 257 were happily munching their way along the top of Sandy Hill in the direction of the Shell Garage.  They had made it to ///shins.horses.ghost by 18:00.

    The seven older cows plus the other four yearlings were all in the area around ///receive.rephrase.parked.  The older cows were all lying down, as was yearling 242.  Yearlings 248, 252 and 255 were all busy grazing, but they too soon lay down in amongst the others.  There were a lot of flies bothering this group too.

    Despite an extensive walk around Caesar's I wasn't able to find youngster 217 again.   I circled back around all three groups before leaving and he wasn't with any of them.   I also had a good look from where I saw him on Monday, in case he decided to go back into the fenced-off area but didn't see him.  Hopefully, he is making his way back to the others and I just missed him.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...