Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 18 March 2024

    18th March (Grazing team) COWS MOVED

    Hi All, we have moved all the cows this afternoon to camp 45 making 26 in total in this area. They will be here for the rest of the week 😀

    Monday 18th March - All 22 seen

    The fifteen original Caesar's cows were spread out grazing in the area around ///foot.sprinter.comply at 10:35 this morning.  They were enjoying lots of heather.  There were a few rain showers, but that didn't put them off.  The cows would occasionally take a break and rest while chewing their cud.  They were all looking well.

    Six of the Sussex cows were standing close to the cattle grid at the far end of the site around ///hoped.trainer.memo at noon.  They were all relaxing and chewing their cud.  Cow 212 was eating grass at the side of the path close by.  Steer 197 was very friendly today and was happy to stand and receive a long head rub.  They were all looking good.

    As I was leaving, I wandered past the first group again.  The seven older cows were lying down resting in the bracken on the higher ground around ///saturate.logs.adults at 13:00.  The five youngsters and two yearlings were lying down at the bottom of the hill around ///speedily.slopes.grabs.  Some were chewing their cud while others were snoozing.

    For awareness, there was a contractor clearing scrub within the fenced off area just along from the cow shed. The gate into the area was lying open.

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 17 March 2024

    Sunday 17th March - All 22 seen

    Steers 30, 217, 220, 222, 230 plus cows 72 and 940 were found grazing around ///dwarves.soaps.enjoy at 10:40 this morning.  Steers 20, 21, 35, 219 and 228 were a little further north over the brow of the hill, grazing around ///ghost.icons.spellings.  The light drizzle wasn't putting them off the large amounts of heather they were eating.  They were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    Yearlings 270 and 271 were found grazing with Sussex steers 197 and 210 plus cows 212 and 1396 around ///dice.match.besotted at 11:00.  Just before 11:15 steer 33 came walking over from the gorse bushes to the southeast, near the Lookout.  He stopped briefly upon seeing the others, before walking off down the hill to meet up with the main group, who were now gathered around ///grub.motel.thudding.   A short time later, Sussex cow 211 and steers 1626 and 1648 came wandering along from the west.  All nine cows joined up and stood and chewed their cud near the path.

    At 11.35 yearling 270 started mooing softly, before setting off down the hill to join the others.  Yearling 271 stayed behind and started to graze.  After a short time, I went down to join the group of fourteen.  Youngster 217 was lying down, while the others were all standing together, chewing their cud.

    Shortly before 11:50, I lost sight of the cows at the top of the hill.  Slightly concerned that yearling 271 hadn't come down, I wandered back up to find him.  As I neared the top, I heard a loud moo and found him alone at ///salon.boasted.spans.  He was standing looking at the Sussex cows who were way off in the distance to the southwest.  After standing with him for a bit, I walked off back towards the hill and he followed.  He then followed me the entire way down the hill, before we met up with the others.  After about ten minutes, all fifteen cows wandered off down towards the Bourley Road.

    The cows were all good today.

    Saturday 16 March 2024

    Saturday 16th March - All 22 seen

    Eleven of the original Caesar's cows were found on their favourite Sandy Hill corner at 09:40 this morning.  They were mostly standing chewing their cud in the sunshine, with the odd cow munching on grass.  They were all happy and relaxed.  After about ten minutes, they started to wander west along Sandy Hill.  Older steers 20, 21 and 35 plus cow 72 were deep in the gorse bushes opposite.

    The group of eleven got as far as ///skippers.folk.craft, where they stopped and appeared to wait for the others.  They initially rested and chewed their cud, before they started to eat lots of grass.  Older steer 21 came out of the gorse bushes at around 10:15 and started eating grass in the area in front.  The other three were still munching on gorse.

    Five of the Sussex cows were lying down in the heather, fairly near the Lookout, around ///silk.harsh.hack at 11:15.  They were relaxing and chewing their cud.  Cow 1396 was busy eating grass and heather, and steer 1626 was munching on gorse near by.  After about ten minutes, all five got up and started to eat.  The Sussex cattle have a lot more bald patches and areas of thin hair than the original fifteen cows.  They were all okay though.

    By noon, the original fifteen had made it to the area around ///modem.awoke.mining at the west end of James Bond pond.  They were spread out grazing in little groups, which gave me the opportunity to properly check the ones who had been in the gorse bushes.  Steer 35's foot was looking better today.  His underside has almost completely healed now.  He was looking good.

    The cows were all good today.

    Friday 15 March 2024

    Friday 15th

     All 22 cows found (eventually!!), spread put across the entire site!

    The Shetlands were in 2 groups, tagged cows in each, so ice and easy to find. The 7 Sussexes were separate, at ///after.ordeals.cheese.

    All the cows looked fine, if damp.


    Wednesday 13 March 2024

    Wednesday 13th March - 15 seen

    Steers 20, 21, 33, 217, 220, 222 and 271 were all lying down, resting and chewing their cud around ///lessening.livid.splash near the Lookout at 15:15 this afternoon.  They were all happy and relaxed.  They were all looking good.  Steer 33 had a few bald patches on his back today.  He certainly had a few patches before getting sprayed, so I'm hoping it's not getting worse and his hair will start growing back soon.

    The other eight Caesar's originals were spread out and busy grazing in the area around ///shield.sings.reservoir at 15:40.  Steers 30, 35, 219, 228, 230 and 270 plus cows 72 and 940 were all enjoying lots of grass.  They, too, were all happy and relaxed and looking well.  Steer 35's foot was looking a bit pink again today (photo below).  His underside continues to show signs of improvement.
    Despite a good search, I wasn't able to find the seven Sussex cows today.

    The cows that were found were all good today.

    Tuesday 12 March 2024

    Tuesday 12th March - All 22 seen

    Steers 30, 35, 228 and 230 were found grazing with the seven Sussex cows around ///usage.rails.tester at 15:40 this afternoon.  They were all relaxed and looking well.  The cows were all remarkably dry after the earlier rain.   Steer 35's underside was looking better again today, and is continuing to heal.  His leg is showing signs of improvement too.  Cow 211 was very friendly again today and gave my hand a few licks.

    Yearling 270 and cow 940 were found lying down, resting around ///slide.stick.truth at 16:00.  They were both snoozing and looked so peaceful.  Cow 72 was standing chewing her cud at their side.  Youngster 219 was grazing close by.

    When I returned to the first group at 16:15, the four Shetland boys were standing chewing their cud around ///oath.spark.fruit.  The Sussex cattle had wandered off and were grazing to the  southwest, far off in the distance.

    The other seven, steers 20, 21, 33, 217, 220, 222 and 271, were all grazing deep in the gorse bushes just along from the Lookout around ///seat.tell.unsecured at 16:40.  They were quite difficult to get to today.  They started to emerge from the gorse bushes just before 17:00 and started munching on heather around ///planet.plugs.foot.  The boys were all happy and looking well.

    As I was leaving, I ran into the eight originals from the first two groups at 17:30.  They had joined up and were happily grazing in the area around ///pardon.cools.jungle.  

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...