Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday 28 February 2022

    0900 Monday 28th February All seen

     We found 8 at one end of Sandy Hill, one at the other end and the rest at approx. ///masterpiece,gravy.purest. By the time we walked away all 17 were grouped between James Bond and the occasional pond ///sketch.showed.outbound. 020 was walking stiffly and has a bald patch on near side shoulder. They were very bullish with lots of rump licking and nuzzling. Apart from that they all looked well. When we returned to that same area about 50 mins later they were nowhere to be seen. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 27 February 2022

    Sunday 27th February - All 17 seen

    Cow 940 plus seven of the yearlings were seen at ///herring.woes.sketching at the side of the Horse Pond at 10:55 this morning.  Most were stood chewing their cud in the sunshine.  Youngster 213 was busy munching on gorse in the bushes.

    Older cattle 21, 30, 33, 35, 72 plus yearlings 221, 230, and 235 were all happily grazing in the area to the east of the Pond ///orbited.rules.divider.
    Cow 20 appeared from the bushes to the west of the pond and stopped right in front of me as he was wandering to join the others.  While still somewhat stiff, he was walking better than he was last weekend.

    All the cattle were good.

    Saturday 26 February 2022

    Saturday 26th February - All 17 seen

    Older cattle 20, 21, 33 and 35 were lying down in the sunshine on Sandy Hill in the area around ///gracing.straws.boating at 10:55.  Cow 72 was grazing alongside them, while cow 30 was munching in the gorse bushes.

    Older cow 940 plus the ten yearlings were all happily grazing in groups a bit further along Sandy Hill but were moving in the direction of the other six.

    All the cattle were good.

    Friday 25 February 2022

    0900 Friday 25th February 8 only

     We saw 030, 072, 213, 217, 219, 226, 230, and 940 on Sandy Hill ///stared.cafe.clubbing. They were grazing and drinking from a puddle, all look well. After a good walk, and not seeing any of the others we returned to Sandy Hill and the same 8 cows having moved to ///routine.streak.providing.  Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Thursday 24 February 2022

    Thursday 24th February. All seen.

     All found widely scattered around the boggy area just west of the large open sandy area. No problems.


    Wednesday 23 February 2022

    Tuesday- all seen, opposite shell garage. 20 was a bit stiff, have flagged it up

    Wednesday 23rd February - All 17 seen

    Older cattle 20, 21, 30, 33, 72 and 940 were all grazing in the area around ///twitchy.holds.quicksand at 10:40 this morning.  Cows 20 and 940 were munching deep in a large bush, so I couldn't see if cow 20 was walking any better.

    After circling around site, older cow 35 plus the ten yearlings all appeared from ///issues.cabs.preparing at 11:35.  Not really sure where they came from, as I'd been searching in that area for them earlier.  They all started grazing before joining up with the other six.

    The cattle had started to lie down on the side of the small hill at ///drags.hardly.arrive as I left them at noon.  They were all good.

    Monday 21 February 2022

    09.30 Monday 21st February All seen

     We first found 15 at approx ///eyelashes.quality.sensible they were just standing around as if waiting for the other 2, 033 and 072, to join them. We tried looking for them in the gorse and over to lookout, then circled back. All 17 now together had moved to the ridge area next to James Bond pond ///joins.proudest.flushed and seem to be heading in the general direction of Ceasers Camp. All looked well, grazing and drinking from the pond, we didn't see 20 walking so don't know how he is. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Sunday 20 February 2022

    Sunday 20th February - All 17 seen

    Cattle 219, 220, 228 and 940 were hiding in a large gorse bush at ///denoting.ripe.coughed at 15:35 this afternoon.  Youngsters 217 and 222 were grazing alongside, with cow 33 munching on gorse close by.

    A mixed group of windswept cows 21, 30, 35, 213, 221, 226 and 235 were all busy grazing but relented into the bushes in the area around ///saved.woods.string to shelter from the wind and light rain at 16:00.  Cows 20, 72 and 230 were grazing in a very sparse gorse bush at ///cones.twinkled.slowness.

    All the cattle were good.

    Saturday 19 February 2022

    Saturday 19th February - All 17 seen

    Cattle 20, 219, 228, 230 and 235 were all seen grazing in the rain in the area around ///loitering.destined.lousy near Bourley Road at 11:30.  Cows 21, 33, 213, 217, 221, 222 and 940 were grazing close by.  Cows 30, 220 and 226 were bedded down in the bracken at ///plotter.protests.sleepless.  Cow 72 was stood beside them chewing her cud, while cow 35 was grazing close by.

    Cow 20 wasn't walking great again today.  He appeared very stiff and was treading cautiously, but was putting his weight on all four legs.  The others were all good.

    I had a good walk around the site before finding the cattle and didn't notice any fence or significant tree damage.

    Friday 18 February 2022

    Friday 18th February. Only 4 seen.

     At 09.20 we found 21, 213, 219, and 235 ///deal.ship.unable. We walked down to Pavillion, through the trees to the Bourley road car park, back to Pavillion and through the gorse, up the main track to Ceasers, Des went up the loose scree path to lookout and I stayed on the main path to check the trees and side of the hill where we have known them to be on other occasions. I then took a path to meet Des at lookout from where we made our way to James Bond pond checking the gorse and reservoir as we passed. We then walked the length of Sandy Hill but saw no sign of the rest.Those we saw look well, it's a bit blowy so we hope the others have found shelter. Stay Safe, Marina & Des

    Stormy weather - if these conditions continue in to the weekend, then please don't put yourselves at risk to check the cattle. If all is well, please keep an eye out for trees on fences. As usual, please call the on call number if there is a cattle or broken fence emergency. Thanks, and have a good weekend!

    Thursday 17 February 2022

    Thursday 17th February. All seen.

     All 17 were helpfully together just off the main path north-east of the lookout. All but three were lying down dozily chewing. All looked well and healthy.


    Wednesday 16 February 2022

    Wednesday 16th February - All 17 seen

    Cows 33, 35, 72, 213, 217, 222 and 230 were all seen grazing on the side of Sandy Hill in the area around ///spreads.suggested.prawn at 11:40.

    The other ten were seen in the area around ///chain.obstruct.built at 12:05.   Cow 20 was using a small tree to have a scratch, while cows 221 and 235 were lying down. The others were busy grazing.

    They were all good.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...