Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 31 March 2023

    Friday 31st March - All 17 seen - cow 217 has a scratch just under his left knee

    Cows 35, 72, 213, 217, 220 and 228 were all spread out amongst the trees and bushes in the area around ///chains.flash.count at 09:40 this morning.  They were grazing whilst sheltering from the rain.  Youngster 217 had a scratch just below his left knee.  He was able to put his full weight on it and was moving around without any issues.  There are a lot of sharp, spiky bushes in that area, so suspect he has just nicked his leg whilst wandering around.  No idea where cow 213 had been, but her legs were coated in mud.
    Older cows 21, 30 and 33 were found around ///tinsel.caller.jabs eating holly from the bushes about thirty minutes later.

    The other eight, cows 20, 219, 221, 222, 226, 230, 235 and 940, were all grazing in the area around ///eclipses.fact.dance, close to the Bourley Road at 10:45.  They were all busy eating grass despite the continuing rain.

    Other than youngster 217, the cows were all good today.

    Thursday 30 March 2023

    Thursday 30th March - All 17 seen

    A mixed group of twelve cows was found spread out between Hungry Hill and the corner of Sandy Hill at 09:45 this morning.  Cows 213 and 235 were munching on grass together on the corner.   The others were all busy eating too, occasionally stopping for a rest.  All twelve gathered down at Hungry Hill, where they were either standing and chewing their cud or having a bit more breakfast in the gorse bushes.  After a while, they all wandered into the woods at Hungry Hill.

    The other five, steers 20, 21, 30, 35 and 230, were having a boy's day over the other side of the site around ///ogre.instant.pasting at 10:20.  They were all happily munching away on grass, gorse and heather in the sunshine.  By 10:55, they were all lying down and relaxing in the bracken around ///damp.amuse.growth.

    The cows were all good today.

    Wednesday 29 March 2023

    Wednesday 29th March - All 17 seen

    Four seasons in one day on Caesar's today, including a thick fog that blanketed the site for almost an hour.

    Cows 33, 35, 219 and 220 were busy munching on gorse deep in the bushes around ///cups.jigging.tonal at 12:10 this afternoon.  Youngster 221 was happily eating grass alongside.

    A mixed group of nine were all lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud just along from the Lookout.  They were spread out in little groups ranging from cow 21 at ///calls.reliving.tube to cow 213 at ///duet.down.squaring.  Youngster 235 kept on resting her eyes. Cows 20, 222 and 940 were grazing in the gorse bushes behind them.

    By 13:15 fifteen cows were lying down relaxing.   Older cow 940 was still grazing in the area beyond where the cows were lying, but had been joined by older cow 21.

    The cows were all good today.

    Tuesday 28 March 2023

    Tuesday 28th March - All 17 seen

    Despite the rain, the cows were all busy grazing down at the Bourley Road end of the site this morning.

    Cows 30, 72, 213, 222 and 940 were all munching on grass in the area around ///tilt.degree.senders at 11:30.

    Cows 33, 217, 221 and 235 were munching on heather and grass in the area around ///feared.loss.duplicate a short time later.

    The other eight were a bit further up and were spread out in the area around ///outer.wage.chaos.  They, too, were all busy eating.

    The cows were all good today.

    Monday 27 March 2023

    Monday 27th March - All 17 seen

    Cows 20, 21, 33, 35, 219, 220, 226 and 235 were busy munching on grass in the area around ///asterisk.unit.payer on their favourite Sandy Hill corner at 12:35 this afternoon.  Youngster 228 was lying down, relaxing.   Youngsters 213 and 217 were grazing a bit further up around ///stag.input.explained.
    Cows 72, 221, 222 and 940 came wondering along Sandy Hill to join the others about ten minutes later, moo'ing as they arrived.

    Cow 30 was further along Sandy Hill at ///passion.practical.heap, and 230 even further along at ///fumes.corporate.coder.   They were both slowly making their way back to the others.

    Cows 235 and 940 continued to graze.   Cows 20 and 219 wandered along nearly to Hungry Hill, where they were munching in the gorse bushes.  The other thirteen all stood together on the corner, chewing their cud.  At 13:45 the group of fifteen started to graze along Sandy Hill in the Shell garage direction, leaving cows 20 and 219 behind.

    There were a few flies around today which were annoying the cows, but other than that they were all good.

    Sunday 26 March 2023

    Sunday 26th March - All 17 seen

    Youngsters 213 and 235 plus older cow 940 were found at ///duties.sourced.magma at 11:35 this morning.  They were walking at pace towards the far end of Longbottom.  They paused for a short while before wandering into the woods.  Sadly, the cows were soaking and looking rather sorry for themselves.

    The six other older cows were found grazing in the area around ///gilding.purified.puff about twenty minutes later near to the Shell garage.  They were all munching away happily and were a lot drier than the first three.

    The other eight youngsters were all found in the area around ///stapled.landed.evoke at 12:10.  They were all busy munching on gorse, some buried deep in the bushes.  Youngster 230 was the first to lie down, relax and chew his cud at 12:30.  The others looked like they'd be joining him soon.

    Walked back to where I found the six older cows, and they had been joined by cows 213, 235 and 940 by 12:45.  Cows 20, 33 and 72 were standing chewing their cud while the others were eating gorse.  They were all drying out.

    The cows were all good today.

    Saturday 25 March 2023

    Saturday 25th March - All 17 seen

    Cows 30, 72, 219, 226 and 940 were all found in the area around ///origin.stands.chess at 10:15 this morning. They were all happily grazing in the sunshine. A mixed group of nine were all grazing in the area around ///replenish.flat.drifter twenty minutes later. They were all busy eating grass, heather or gorse. Older cow 35 plus youngsters 213 and 222 were munching on gorse close by around ///zaps.intent.prowess. After their muddy adventures yesterday, the youngsters were all nice and clean today. The cows were all good this morning.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...