Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 31 May 2023

    Wednesday 31st May - All 15 seen

    The five older steers were lying down, resting and chewing their cud in the sunshine in the area around ///dream.rails.rises at 17:30 this afternoon.  They were all very relaxed.

    A mixed group of six, cows 72, 219, 220, 228, 270 and 940, were all busy munching on grass in the area around ///happen.during.glaze fifteen minutes later.

    The final four, cows 217, 222, 230 and 271, were all at the other end of site in the area around ///fortified.snows.host at 18:20.  It looked like yearling 271 hadn't long got up, and he went for a drink in the large pool of water behind where he was standing.  The other three were lying down at first, relaxing and chewing their cud, but they slowly got up.   They had a stretch and then stood and continued to chew their cud.  After about 20 minutes, they wandered off, munching on leaves as they went.

    The cows were all good this evening.

    Wednesday 31st

    11 seen happily lying down in grassy area opposite the exclusion zone. The other 4 grazing near the road at the top of sandy hill.

    All looked well.


    Tuesday 30 May 2023

    Tuesday 30th May - All 15 seen - Sandy Hill kissing gate again

    Fifteen hungry cows were all busy munching on fresh grass on Sandy Hill at 18:05 this evening.  They were well spread out, from older cow 30 who was grazing at the side of the pill box to youngster 219 who was all the way along at ///cabs.sharpens.buggy  The cows were all slowly wandering towards the western end of the hill.  They were all happy and relaxed.

    The kissing gate nearest the cow's favourite Sandy Hill corner had been pushed beyond its rear arm again (see Saturday 27th May blog).  Again, I was able to force the gate back between its two arms, so it's closing properly.

    The cows were all good this evening.

    Monday 29 May 2023

    Monday 29th May - All 15 seen

    Fourteen sleepy cows were lying down resting in the area around ///freshest.fancy.pace at 10:20 this morning.  A mixed group of eleven were in one group, with cows 33, 230 and 271 lying off to the side in their own little group.  They were all either snoozing or relaxing and chewing their cud.  They'd occasionally get up and have a stretch before lying back down.  Youngster 228 was the only one up and about, happily munching on grass.  After about twenty-five minutes, he too lay down.

    The cows were all good today and appeared to be more comfortable in the cooler, breezier conditions.

    Sunday 28 May 2023

    Sunday 28th May - All 15 seen

    Cows 35, 220, 222, 228 and 270 were all enthusiastically munching on fresh grass at the west end of Sandy Hill in the area around ///cabbage.emulated.holly at 10:00 this morning.  They were all happy and very relaxed.  Older cow 33 was munching on leaves from the trees at the very end of the path.

    The other nine were all lying down, resting in the area around ///globe.rules.rushed about thirty minutes later.  Youngster 217 had buried himself in the middle of some branches and was nicely in the shade of the warm sun.  Cows 230 and 271 were also lying in the shade of the same trees.  The others, cows 20, 21, 30, 72, 219 and 940, were all lying out in the open.  They were all very relaxed and struggling to keep their eyes open.

    The cows were all good today.

    Saturday 27 May 2023

    Saturday 27th May - Sandy Hill kissing gates

    The kissing gate nearest the cow's favourite Sandy Hill corner had been pushed beyond its rear arm.  I managed to force the gate back between its two arms, so it's closing properly again for now.

    The chain and padlock has been removed from the next gate along, but it's still not closing properly, as the gate is sitting too high for the lock.

    Saturday 27th May - All 15 seen

    The cows were all together at the west end of Sandy Hill in the area around ///plod.corkscrew.trap at 10:00 this morning.  Most were standing under the shade of some tall trees while relaxing and chewing their cud.  There was a nice breeze blowing, keeping them nice and cool.

    By 10:20 all fifteen cows were lying down.  Older cows 20, 21, 30, 72 and 940 were out in the open lying down together, with the others continuing to sit in the shade.  They were all resting while chewing their cud or resting their eyes.   There were considerably fewer flies around today and the cows were much more comfortable.

    The cows were all good today.

    Thursday 25 May 2023

    Thursday 25th May - All 15 found and Sprayed for Fly

    Hi All, 

    All 15 found at Sunny Corner Grazing on the fresh grass. 

    We've come back today and given them treatment for fly. They should be a lot less bothered in the coming days.

    Thanks very much for keeping an eye out for them! 

    Grazing Team

    Wednesday 24 May 2023

    Wednesday 24th May - All cows back on Ceasers

    Hi All, 

    The cows who had jumped a fence into gelvert, have been guided back.

    All 15 on Caesars once again, looking good! 

    We unfortunately forgot to bring the fly spray in our haste to come over. We'll return later this week to spray them for fly.

    The break in the fence line into gelvert has been Repaired by Graham and Tom.

    As always thanks for keeping an eye on them! 

    Grazing Team 

    Sunday 21 May 2023

    Sunday 21st May - All 15 seen

    Youngster 230 was busy munching on grass in the area around ///arch.rebel.arranges on Sandy Hill at 10:25 this morning.  A mixed group of eight were all lying down close by around ///frail.raven.legal.  They were all huddled together relaxing under the shade of some tall trees which were keeping them nice and cool.  Older cows 30 and 35 were grazing at the side of the path a bit further up.  Cows 30 and 230 soon lay down beside the others, leaving cow 35 munching.

    The other four, cows 33, 72, 219 and 940, were all found grazing in the area around ///blizzard.stub.acted at 11:35.  They were all happily eating and weren't being put off by the boggy land in that area.  

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...