Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Saturday 31 December 2022

    Saturday 31st December - All 17 seen

    Cows 213, 220, 222, 226, 235 and 940 were fairly widely spread out but were busy grazing in the area around ///amaze.measures.fried on Sandy Hill at 09:50 this morning.  They were mainly munching on grass and weren't being put off by the rain.  Cows 72 and 219 were munching on gorse deep in the nearby bushes.  The group were slowly grazing towards the Shell garage end of the site.

    Cow 20 was standing by himself looking out into the trees at ///dawn.summit.swimmer at 10:50 this morning.  He soon moved off, following the path and climbing the hill which I'd just come down.

    The other eight were all found in the area around ///handlebar.decide.helpless about twenty minutes later - I had obviously missed them first time by!   Most were busy grazing.  Cows 217 and 221 were stood together half sheltering from the rain, chewing their cud.  Cow 30 was buried in a gorse bush munching away happily - he does love his gorse :).  Cow 20 soon joined this group.

    The cows were all good today.

    All the best for 2023.

    Friday 30 December 2022

    Friday 30th December - All 17 seen

    Youngsters 213, 220, 221, 228 and 235 were all found munching on gorse in the area around ///late.tiles.dentures at the very far end of Sandy Hill at 13:15 this afternoon. 

    Cows 72, 219, 222, 226 and 940 were all found grazing deep in the trees behind them around ///empty.verb.device.  Youngsters 213, 220 and 235 soon joined them.

    After a good search amongst the thicket for the others, I returned to the start where the other seven, cows 20, 21, 30, 33, 35, 217 and 230, had appeared.  I believe they had climbed the path up the side of the hill.  The seven plus youngsters 221 and 228 were all busy eating gorse.  Cows 30 and 33 were buried deep in the gorse bushes.  

    The cows were all good today.

    Thursday 29 December 2022

    Thursday 29th December. All seen.

     The cows were fairly closely grouped on the way up to the lookout from the pond and off to the left from that path. All looked really well and happy. 


    Wednesday 28 December 2022

    Wednesday 28th December - All 17 seen

    Youngsters 219, 222, 226 and 228 were found searching for acorns in the leaves in the area around ///desk.frown.retail at 13:10 this afternoon.   They were still finding some going by the crunching :).

    Eleven others all emerged from the area around ///informs.thrones.headrest a short while later and wandered over to join the youngsters in their hunt.  Some stopped to have a drink or top up on some gorse before crossing over.

    Older cows 21 and 35 were a bit further down, carrying out their own search around ///tastes.plant.latest.

    The cows slowly wandered down towards the Royal Pavilion end of the site, in small groups, grazing and searching for acorns as they went along.

    Despite being very wet, the cows were all good today.

    Tuesday 27 December 2022

    Tuesday 27th December - All 17 seen

    Cows 20, 213, 219, 222, 226, 235 and 940 were all in a group, rooting for acorns in the leaves around ///scarf.wires.select at 10:00 this morning.  Older cows 30 and 35 were grazing in the trees on the opposite side of the path.

    Unfortunately, this was the wrong place at the wrong time, as the competitors for the motorcycle event taking place on Hungry Hill today rode past in their masses soon after.  This spooked the cows, and they scampered off as far as the trees at ///spending.redefined.helping where they stayed huddled together as the riders climbed Hungry Hill.  After a while, there was a break in the traffic and after some calling, and a lot of mooing, they followed me over the crossroads and along the path past Horse Pond in the direction of Long Bottom.  They kept wandering, stopping to have a drink from some deep puddles.

    The other eight were found standing around ///speaking.unity.clipboard on Sandy Hill at 11:00.  They were all relaxing and chewing their cud, huddled together.

    On the way back, I found the initial nine all together at ///pushy.laugh.workloads at 11:25.  Cows 213, 226, 235 and 940 were busy munching on grass while the others were standing, relaxing and chewing their cud.

    The cows were all good today.

    Monday 26 December 2022

    Monday 26th December - All 17 seen

    Cows 20, 30, 213 and 235 were stood chewing their cud at ///cliff.short.flamenco at 11:50 this morning. Cows 21, 220 and 222 were grazing deep in the trees behind them around ///anyone.condiment.sparkles.  After a short while, youngster 222 wandered out to where the other four had been standing and proceeded to follow them down the side of Sandy Hill.  They were all grazing as they went.

    Cows 35 and 219 were stood chewing their cud at ///toothpick.native.dries at 12:30.  Youngster 217 and older cow 940 were lying down beside them.   Older cow 72 was grazing close by.  Cows 21 and 220 came wandering along together and joined them.

    Youngster 226 was stood alone chewing her cud in front of the gorse bushes at ///rising.magma.expel.   Cows 33, 221, 228 and 230 were munching on gorse deep in the bushes.  They all slowly came out into the open, with youngster 221 the last to appear.

    As I was leaving, cows 20, 30, 213, 222 and 235 were all lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud in the bracken around ///jumpy.free.tangent.

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 25 December 2022

    Sunday 25th December - All 17 seen

    Merry Christmas!!

    Older cows 20, 33, 72 and 940 were busy grazing on the slope just up from Long Bottom around ///novels.wrist.suggested at 10:20 this morning.

    Cows 30, 35, 213, 219, 221, 226, 228 and 235 were all munching on gorse and heather in the area around ///videos.dame.picked a short while later.

    The same group of five from yesterday, cows 21, 217, 220, 222 and 230, were spread out grazing along from the Lookout at 11:00.

    All the cows were good today.

    Saturday 24 December 2022

    Saturday 24th December - All 17 seen

    Cows 33, 72, 213 and 940 were munching on gorse deep in the bushes around ///voltages.prepare.placed on Sandy Hill at 10:05 this morning.  

    Cows 20, 30, 35, 219, 221, 226, 228 and 235 were all grazing a bit further along in the area around ///stencil.divisible.shin.  They were busy eating, switching between gorse and grass as they progressed.

    After an initial unsuccessful search for the other five, I circled back around, and they had made it to ///making.blemishes.burns by 12:10.  

    The other five, cows 21, 217, 220, 222 and 230, were found at ///theory.delays.tasty on Sandy Hill at 12:25.  Initially, they were all standing chewing their cud, but slowly one by one they started to lie down and relax.  It appeared that they were not going to wander along to join the others.

    All the cows were good today.

    Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas :).

    Friday 23 December 2022

    Friday 23rd December- All 17 seen

    Hi All, 

    We found the heard of 17 cows together at ///hype.touchy.offstage not far from the sandy dust bowl in the valley. 

    All of them look healthy and in good condition. 

    Thank you for keeping such a good eye on them this year, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New year from all of us at the Wildlife Trust. 

    Grazing Team 

    Thursday 22 December 2022

    Thursday 22nd December. All seen.

    All the cows were fairly closely scattered beyond the open sandy area towards Sandy Hill. They looked happy and well. 

    Happy Christmas everyone. 


    Wednesday 21 December 2022

    Wednesday 21st December - All 17 seen

    After a long search, I found cows 30, 33, 219, 220, 221, 226 and 235 all grazing in the area around ///radar.slurs.fend at the Royal Pavilion end of site at 15:25 this afternoon.

    Another nine, cows 21, 35, 72, 213, 217, 222, 228, 230 and 940, were widely spread, grazing in ones and twos a little bit further up at ///shadow.valley.care.

    Cow 20 was on his own munching on gorse around ///reveal.shackles.squirted.

    There was plenty of water available on site today, with everything having melted, including the thick ice that was covering Horse Pond and James Bond Pond.

    Bumped into Tom and his practical conservation volunteers a bit earlier in the afternoon at the Shell Garage end of site.  They were doing a sterling job of cutting down pine and gorse bushes and burning them in a controlled manner.

    All the cows were good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...