Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Friday 30 June 2023

    Friday 30th

    All 15 seen lazing in the woods near hungry hill! All looked pretty content.


    Thursday 29 June 2023

    Thursday 29th June - All 15 seen

    Youngster 217 was having a paddle in Horse Pond at 16:55 this afternoon.  He was munching on plants and was wading around happily.  Older cows 21, 33, 72 and 940 were on dry land munching on leaves from the bushes at the side of the pond.

    Older cow 35 plus youngsters 219, 222 and 228 were happily grazing in the area around ///erupts.chef.recap a short time later.  They were all very relaxed and were munching on the fresh grass.  Youngster 230 was standing in the bracken, relaxing and chewing his cud, on the other side of the path.  He kept on poking his head out, so I'd see him and go over and say hello.   He was quite happy hiding away in there, watching the other four grazing.
    The cows had all moved on when I returned to where I'd first seen them.  Older cow 72 and the two yearlings 270 and 271 were grazing on the north-east bank of Horse Pond at 17:25.  They soon crossed over the path and down into the pasture where older cows 20, 21, 30, 33 and 940 were grazing in the long grass around ///roost.prompt.leap.

    Youngsters 217 and 220 were found grazing in the area around ///torn.usages.haircuts about fifteen minutes later.  They, too, were munching away on fresh grass.  They were soon joined by older cows 30 and 33.

    The cows were all good this evening.

    Wednesday 28 June 2023

    Wednesday 28th June - All 15 seen

    The cows were all together in the area around ///pipes.geese.ruffling at 17:55 this evening.  Fourteen were spread out, but all lying down together, resting and chewing their cud.  Youngster 228 was having a little nap.  Occasionally they'd get up and have a stretch before repositioning and lying back down.  Unfortunately, the flies were back, and the cows were having to constantly shake them off.   Several of the cows had tried to bury themselves in the bracken.

    Older steer 21 was initially grazing by himself, close by, but to the north of where the other cows were lying.   By 18:30 he too was lying down in amongst the bracken, relaxing and chewing his cud.  He was still a little away from the main group around ///hospitals.taken.flagged but was happy and relaxed.

    The cows were all good this evening.

    Tuesday 27 June 2023

    Tuesday 27th June - All 15 seen

    Youngsters 217 and 219 were in Horse Pond munching on plants at 17:10 this evening.  They were in fairly deep and were having some fun, swishing their tails causing water to fly everywhere.  Older cows 20, 30, 35 and 72 were standing and chewing their cud in the trees at the side of the pond.  After a little while, the four older cows started wandering off in the direction I'd seen some of the cows go when I first arrived.  The two youngsters soon got out of the water and followed.

    The other nine were spread out in two groups and were all grazing on fresh grass.   Cows 270, 271, 228 and 940 were initially found at ///jungle.dentures.pitch.  Cows 21, 30, 33, 222 and 230 around ///recap.moguls.hoped.   All fifteen had joined up and were grazing in the long grass around ///removed.chips.mills by 17:30.  

    They soon crossed over the path and continued to graze on the long grass as they wandered east along the pasture.  By 18:05 they had made it to the area around ///term.lasted.shows and were all still munching away.   The cows were all very relaxed and were a lot happier in the cooler conditions.

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 25 June 2023

    Sunday 25th June - All 15 seen

    Youngster 228 was found munching on fresh grass under the shade of the trees around ///listings.edits.aboard at 09:55 this morning. He was munching away happily, despite being by himself.

    A mixed group of twelve others were found under the shade of the birch trees at the side of Horse Pond. Older steer 35 was lying down, snoozing. The other eleven were all standing, relaxing and chewing their cud. Older cow 30 and youngster 230 had buried themselves in the bracken at the edge of the trees. They were lying down partially in the shade, happily chewing their cud. Youngster 228 soon came and joined the others in the trees.

    Eventually stumbled upon older cow 21 buried deep in the bracken in the area around ///trickling.prove.awoken at 10:35. He, too, was lying down, resting and chewing his cud. I had missed him the first couple of times I had wandered through that area, before going off and searching for him in surrounding areas. He looked comfortable, but I suspect he wouldn't be lying there for too long as the sun was really strong on his back.

    By 10:40 the cows had started to lie down and rest in amongst the trees. Cows 30 and 230 had got up and moved under the shade and were lying down too.

    The cows were all good today.

    Saturday 24 June 2023

    Saturday 24th June - All 15 seen

    The five older steers, cows 20, 21, 30, 33 and 35, were all busy grazing in the area around ///stove.hoot.catch at 11:50 this morning.  They were all happy and very relaxed.  

    The other ten were found in the cow shed about 15 minutes later.  They were all standing, resting and chewing their cud in the shade.  They all seemed relaxed and comfortable.  There were still a few flies around, but nowhere near as bad as it's been over the last few days.  The five older steers all wandered down and joined the others by 12:35.   Just as the final steer 30 was arriving, steers 33 and 35 wandered off across the foot bridge and into the trees, where they stood and chewed their cud.

    Interesting goings-on just along from the Lookout by the Army Signal Regiment, who had set up camp with lots of aerials, tents and other equipment.

    The cows were all good today.

    Thursday 22 June 2023

    Thursday 22nd June - All 15 seen

    The cows were all found in the area around ///vies.claw.tastes at 17:40 this afternoon. Most of them were lying down, resting in little groups. They were either chewing their cud or snoozing. They'd occasionally get up, have a stretch and lie back down. Within twenty minutes, they were all lying down relaxing except for the two girls, cows 72 and 940, who were standing together chewing their cud. 

    The cows were much more comfortable and relaxed this afternoon than they were yesterday. There were still flies present, but not as bad as yesterday. The cows were able to rest without having to constantly shake them off. Youngsters 219 and 228 worked out that if they wandered up and stood close to me, that I’d help keep the flies away. They both stood beside me and chewed their cud for a good ten minutes each before lying back down. 

    As I left them at 18:30, the girls had started grazing in the surrounding area. The other thirteen were all lying down. Youngster 222 was properly sprawled out, snoozing. 

    The cows were all good today.

    Wednesday 21 June 2023

    Wednesday 21st June - All 15 seen

    Fourteen cows were found in the area around the cow shed at 16:45 this afternoon.  They were all seeking shade from the sun and the flies, who were out in their masses.  The cows were jockeying for position in the shed, and it was definitely the case that the six older cows and the youngsters with horns, cows 217 and 219, were winning.  Youngsters 222, 228 and 230 decided to leave and seek shade outside.  The cows were all trying to relax and chew their cud.  Wisely, the two yearlings 270 and 271 were keeping out of the way, instead choosing to graze on a patch of grass to the side of the shed, before joining the three youngsters.

    The missing older steer 33 came out of the woods near the cattle grid on Bourley Road about fifteen minutes later and wandered along and into the shed, causing yet more jockeying to occur.

    The cows were all OK this afternoon, but they were somewhat uncomfortable due to the large number of flies.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...