Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Thursday 30 November 2023

    Thursday 30th November - All 19 seen

    The cows were all down at the Shell garage end of the site today.  Cows 35, 214, 217, 227, 234 and 940 were all standing in the area around ///limes.buggy.softly at 12:20.  They were relaxing and chewing their cud.  Despite it being chilly and there being a few snowflakes falling on Caesars Camp, they were all happy and looking well.  Cows 217 and 940 soon lay down to rest.

    Cows 21, 30, 215, 219, 230, 270 and 271 were all found fifteen minutes later in the area around ///albatross.detail.flag. Youngster 270 was happily munching on some grass. Youngsters 215, 219, 230 and yearling 271 were standing together resting. The two older steers were standing together a little further along the main path to the south-east. They were all looking well.

    Older cow 72 and youngster 222 were standing together chewing their cud around ///potato.custom.stability. They had found a nice spot, completely encircled by gorse bushes. Steers 20, 33, 220 and 228 were all spread out, munching on gorse in the bushes in the surrounding area. They all came out and said hello.

    Youngsters 215, 219 and 230 plus yearlings 270 and 271 made their way around to ///mixes.weds.bugs where they stood beside the embers of the contractor's fire.  They soon started to relax and chew their cud.

    The cows were all good today.

    Wednesday 29 November 2023

    Wednesday 29th November - All 19 seen

    Steer 21 was standing chewing his cud around ///unionists.tools.actual at 15.15 this afternoon.  Youngsters 214, 215, 217 and 230 were happily munching on leaves in the area across the path to his right.  Cows 72, 234 and 940 were in the same area but on higher ground munching on gorse.  They were all looking good.

    Yearling 271 was munching on gorse along the path around ////agree.mediate.haunt at 15:35.  Steers 33 and 227 were tucked away in the gorse bushes to his side.  After a bit, he found a gap in the bushes and went in and joined them.

    Older steers 20 and 30 were busy eating in the gorse bushes on the far side of James Bond pond around ///takes.riches.prouder at 15.50.  They were in no rush to come out.  Steers 220, 222, 228 and 270 were eating heather a bit further west along the track around ///dusters.dorms.other.  They were all happy and relaxed.

    Having not found steers 35 and 219, I wandered back the way I had come, checking steer 20 who had come out of the gorse bushes.  Older steer 35 was happily munching on heather on the far side of that bank of gorse bushes around ///polka.sectors.padding at 16:05.

    Youngster 219 was found munching on gorse by the track around ///sway.shrub.revise at 16.15.   Cows 72, 214, 234 and 940 were also eating gorse not too far from him.

    The cows were all good today.

    Tuesday 28 November 2023

    Tuesday 28th November - All 19 seen

    All nineteen cows were together grazing at the Royal Pavilion end of the site at 09:25 this morning.  Cows 214, 217, 227, 228 and 234 were all out in the open happily munching on some grass around ///deep.mice.thus.  Steers 21, 30 and 219 were off in the trees to the south of them eating leaves.  The others were all eating in amongst the trees to the east of the first group.  They were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    The cows slowly emerged from the trees and gathered in the area where the first five were found to relax and chew their cud.  The sun even made a rare appearance.

    The two yearlings 270 and 271 were super friendly and very curious today 😄.

    The cows were all good today.

    Monday 27 November 2023

    Monday 27th

    All 19 found spread along the track around to the South/southeast of the lookout point.

    All looked fine.


    Sunday 26 November 2023

    Sunday 26th November - All 19 seen

    The cows were spread out, but all together in the same area at the Shell Garage end of the site from 11:30 this morning.

    Cows 33, 222, 227 and 940 were standing, relaxing and chewing their cud in the area around ///viewing.relaxing.dolly.  Youngster 217 and yearling 270 were in the gorse bushes behind them.  They quickly came out and joined the others.  Yearling 270 had a big shake to get the remnants of the gorse off his back.

    Cows 21, 30, 215, 220, 230 and 234 were standing chewing their cud in the area around ///group.swarm.wool.  Yearling 271 was deep in the gorse bushes beside them, but soon wandered out and joined them.  Youngster 219 was munching on heather close by.

    Cows 35, 72 and 228 were found grazing around ///tries.applies.roost.  They were all munching on heather and gorse.  They were looking well.

    Cows 20 and 214 were buried deep in the bushes between the two main groups and were munching away on gorse.  They certainly seemed to be enjoying it and were in no rush to come out.  Steer 20 was using his horns to pull down the branches to make it easier to eat.

    The cows were all good today.

    Saturday 25 November 2023

    Saturday 25th November - All 19 seen

    A mixed group of fifteen cows were spread out in the area around ///sized.stray.raft at the Shell Garage end of site at 10:05 this morning.  Most were busy grazing, either eating grass, gorse or heather. Older cow 72 preferred to munch on leaves from the bushes beside the perimeter fence opposite the garage.  Cows 228, 230, and 940 had found a nice spot to relax and chew their cud.  The cows were all happy and didn't seem bothered by the chilly start to the day.

    Steer 30 was found standing, relaxing and chewing his cud in the area around ///garlic.rise.rescuer at 10.40.  Steer 20 was buried deep in the gorse bushes to the west of him.  Steer 21 was grazing a little to the south.  All three were looking well.
    That left cow 234, whom I wasn't able to find anywhere.  I searched the area around the three boys, then went around James Bond pond before returning to the first group.  By 11:30, they had gathered in the area around ///regret.lyrics.oasis, where most were standing in the sunshine chewing their cud.  Youngster 228 and older cow 940 were lying down, resting.

    When I returned to the area where the three steers had been earlier, I found cow 234 standing in the sunshine chewing her cud around ///shot.electric.grasp at 11:55.  She had obviously activated stealth mode and had been in the gorse bushes all along 🤣.  Older steer 20 had come out of the gorse bushes and was standing fairly close to her.

    The cows were all good today.

    Friday 24th November - All 19 seen

    Cows 72 and 227 were grazing on gorse from the bushes along the main path around ///late.retrieves.voice just past the entrance to Gelvert at 15:20 this afternoon.  A mixed group of eight cows were well spread out grazing in the gorse bushes in the area around ///gems.swam.feast.  They would occasionally poke their heads up or briefly wander out before returning undercover.  They all looked good.

    Older cows 20, 33 and 940 were grazing in the area around ///shifts.weddings.skim in the pasture opposite James Bond pond at 15.50.  They were well spread out but were all happy and relaxed.

    Cows 30, 214, 215, 219 and 234 were all grazing on the other side of the gorse bushes and path in the area around ///blink.otters.shock fifteen minutes later.  They were all happily munching on heather.
    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...