Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 31 January 2024

    Wednesday 31st January - All 15 seen

    Steers 30, 33, 217, 222, 228 and 230 were all grazing around ///begin.twee.pleaser at the Shell Garage end of the site at 15:45 this afternoon. They were busy eating heather. Youngsters 222 and 228 were demonstrating their hill climbing skills. The boys were all happy and relaxed. 

    The other nine cows were grazing deep in the thicket to the south-east around ///flute.wasps.salutes. They were mainly eating gorse and heather. Not to be outdone, youngster 219 was doing a spot of hill climbing too. Yearling 271 seemed to be eating and moving around fine with his new collar. The cows were all looking well. 

    The four British Whites were happily munching on the long grass in Camp 45 near the Bourley Road when I drove past earlier. It was getting dark and there was limited parking, so thought I'd leave them in peace to settle into their new home. 

    The cows were all good today.

    wedneaday 31st, cattle move

    We have changed the betterys of the collars and added another one to help us out a but more. We have also split the 4 British white cattle off and moved them down to camp 45.


    Grazing team

    Tuesday 30 January 2024

    Tuesday 30th January - All 19 seen

    A mixed group of sixteen cows were spread out grazing amongst the heather in the area around ////drags.gravy.early at 12:35 this afternoon.  They were all happy and relaxed and were looking well.  Cows 72 and 215 arrived from the track to the south-west about fifteen minutes later and started to graze with the others.  The scratch on cow 215's leg had healed today.

    The cows continued to eat heather until 13:00 when steers 20, 30 and 222 wandered over to some bracken in the area around ///reframe.bibs.healers and lay down.  They started to relax and chew their cud.  They were soon joined by many of the other cows.

    Older steer 35 was by himself, munching on heather in the area to the east around ///edge.event.cushy at 13:20.  He was very relaxed and appeared to be enjoying some quiet time.  I'm sure he'd wander over and meet up with the others when he was finished eating.

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 28 January 2024

    Sunday 28th January - All 19 seen - cow 215 has a scratch on her left rear leg

    Steers 35, 217 and 228 plus cow 234 were having breakfast by Horse Pond at 09:55 this morning.  They were eating lots of gorse.  Youngster 228 was actually in the pond, eating from the bushes at its edge.  They were all looking well.

    Yearlings 270 and 271 were busy eating grass in the pasture near the pill box on Sandy Hill at 10:20.  Youngster 219 was grazing a bit further along the hill, but soon wandered back.  Steer 33 plus cows 72, 215 and 940 were all deep in the gorse bushes.  At 10:30 youngster 228 appeared from around their favourite Sandy Hill corner, mooing as he came.  He wandered along to meet up with the others.  When youngster 215 emerged from the gorse bushes, I noticed she had a scratch on her rear left leg.  She was walking fine, and it wasn't causing her any issues.  The cows had come out of the gorse bushes by 10:45, and all eight continued to graze west along Sandy Hill.

    Youngsters 214, 220, 222, 227 and 230 were all eating heather in the area around ///clear.refills.treat at 11:10.  Steer 20 was eating gorse on the opposite side of the track.  After a while, steer 21 emerged from the thicket to the east and joined the youngsters.  At 11:45 steer 20 went and lay down around ///free.situation.clear.  Steers 220, 222 and 230 soon lay down together close by.  Older steer 30 emerged from the gorse bushes way to the south at 11:55.  He walked over and lay down next to steer 20.  They were soon joined by steer 21.  Youngsters 214 and 227 were standing close by, chewing their cud.

    I went to double-check the first three cows, as I noticed they had moved north-east and were getting very close to the motorcycle trial.  They were around ///lamp.cabbies.jots at 12:40.  Steer 35 had found the remains of the lick.  Cow 234 was standing close by.  Steer 217 was standing near some parked cars and was constantly mooing.  He soon wandered over, said hello and stood by me.  There were too many moving cars, people, dogs and motorbike noise for my liking, so I persuaded them to follow me back to Horse Pond.  When we got there, they seemed happy to continue, so I walked them along to ///weeded.blip.loose.  The other eight cows were grazing on Sandy Hill directly above them.   The group of three could sense them, but instead of climbing up the hill, they stood in the sun and began to relax and chew their cud.  I said goodbye at 13:20.

    The cows were all good today.  

    Saturday 27 January 2024

    Saturday 27th January - All 19 seen

    Older steer 35 plus youngsters 215, 217, 219 and 234 were all grazing in the area around ///gown.birds.wages at the Royal Pavilion end of the site at 09.30 this morning.  They were all happy and relaxed and eating lots of gorse.   They had moved north-east to the area around ///cigar.budget.fish by 10:40 where they were continuing to graze.

    A mixed group of cows 33, 72, 228, 270, 271 and 940 were all found in the wooded area around ///logo.bless.term at 10:10.  They were watching with great interest the organisers setting up the course for tomorrow's Talmag Motorcycle Club event.  Yearlings 270 and 271 were keen to help, and were getting into precarious positions climbing hills to get the best view.  The people doing the setup were trimming lots of holly bushes, so the cows were happily eating the leaves from the ground.

    Youngsters 222 and 230 were grazing in the thicket just off Longbottom around ///tune.unusable.gadgets at 11:15.  They were both very friendly and came and said hello.  Steers 20, 30 and 220 plus cow 214 were happily eating heather in the sunshine close by around ///forkful.land.baffle.  The two youngsters soon came and joined them.  Steers 21 and 227 emerged from the adjoining gorse bushes at 11:50.  By noon, several of the cows had started to lie down, relax and chew their cud.

    The cows were all good today.  It was great to spend some relaxing time with them.  I really hope the eleven cows move to the other end of the site before tomorrow's motorcycle trial.

    Thursday 25 January 2024

    Thursday 25th January - All 19 seen

    The cows were still in the same two groups as yesterday.

    Ten cows were on their favourite Sandy Hill corner at 12:30.  Most were standing, relaxing and chewing their cud.  Youngster 220 was lying down, resting.  They were all happy and relaxed.  The cows were really friendly today, with me receiving a warm welcome.
    Older steers 20 and 33 were standing a bit further east along the track.  They were looking down in the direction of Horse Pond and mooing.  I wandered along to see them, and heard mooing coming back.  When I looked down I could see the group of seven, steers 21, 30, 217, 219, 270 and 271 plus cow 940, in the distance near the pond.

    A short time later, Sean turned up, and I returned to the corner to catch up.  While we were chatting, the group of seven all arrived, having climbed up the side of Sandy Hill.  They, too, were all looking well.

    After Sean left, the cow's continued to stand and chew their cud on the corner.  After a while, youngster 228 decided to have a lie down.  It looked like others were getting ready to join him.

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...