Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 29 May 2024

    Wednesday 29th May - All 25 seen

    Steers 219, 220 and 228 were grazing on the grass on both sides of the main path on the north side of James Bond Pond at 17.00 this afternoon.  The other fifteen Caesar's originals were lying down, resting and chewing their cud around ///vowed.teams.gazed ten minutes later.  They were all relaxed and looking well.  There were a few flies around today, but they were not causing the cows too much grief.  Yearling 271 had tried to bury himself in some bushes surrounding some small trees to the north of the area.

    After a short time, the cows started to get up, have a good stretch, and chew their cud some more before going off to graze in the pasture to the northwest.  The first three youngsters had wandered back and joined the group.  The cows were all good.  There are new pictures of steer 228's face and cow 940's ear below.

    The seven Sussex cattle were together around ///cross.rags.vision at the Shell garage end of the site at 17:30.  Cows 211 and 1396 were standing chewing their cud.  Cow 212 was happily munching on fresh grass nearby.  The boys, steers 197, 210, 1626 and 1640, were all lying down relaxing and chewing their cud.  Cow 211 had her usual ear and neck rub and gave me some licks as a thank-you.  The cows were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    The cows were all good today.

    cattle check update

    We are planning on heading down on Tuesday to have a look at the lump on the little ones face and deal with the infected ear tag.

    Any changes we will try to keep the blog updated.


    Grazing team

    Tuesday 28 May 2024

    Tuesday 28th May - All 25 seen - didn't appear to be any change to the lump on steer 228's face

    The eighteen original Caesar's cows were well spread out grazing in the pasture around ///solve.crowd.bells at 17:45 this evening.  I had begun to navigate the long grass and swampy ground to check them, but thankfully they started to slowly wander out and cross over the path into the area around ///never.stores.driver fifteen minutes later.  They all enjoyed lots of fresh grass as they moved southeast through the pasture.  The cows were all happy and relaxed despite the light drizzle.

    The cows all continued to graze, with the final two, youngster 230 and yearling 270, crossing over and joining the group at 17:20.  They were all fine.

    There didn't appear to be any change to the lump on youngster 228's face today.  He appeared to be fine and was happily grazing away.  I did report the issue to Tom at HIWWT first thing this morning.  Likewise, there was no noticeable improvement in cow 940's ear either.  Photos below of both.

    At 17:30, six of the Sussex cattle made an appearance, having walked along from Horse Pond.  All six watched with interest from the area around ///power.teams.cars as youngsters 217, 220 and 222 plus yearlings 270 and 271 came wandering in their direction.  Steers 210, 1626 and 1640 all crossed over the path and went and joined them.  They all appeared friendly and fairly relaxed.  The girls, cows 211, 212 and 1396, all stayed on their side of the path and started to graze.

    At just after 17:45, there was some mooing coming from the direction of Horse Pond.  So I set off to search for steer 197.  He was wisely standing under the trees sheltering from a heavy rain shower around ///gold.cello.taskbar.  I joined him, and he was happy to receive a neck rub.  After about ten minutes, he wandered northeast along the path and started to graze on the grass at the side.  His fellow Sussex herd mates were all grazing in the thicket on the north side of the path.  Soon after, they all reunited.

    The cows were all good this evening.

    Monday 27 May 2024

    Monday 27th May - All 25 seen - Steer 228 has a lump on the right side of his face

    Sixteen of the original Caesar's cows were found spread out grazing in the large pasture around ///like.rounds.edge at 08:40 this morning.  Cow 940 was lying down, relaxing and chewing her cud.  The others were all enjoying lots of fresh grass.  Over the next twenty minutes, they all slowly started to lie down and relax.  The final two steers, youngster 222 and yearling 270, made an appearance at 09:00, having wandered in from a south-westerly direction.  They had a little walk about before lying down to rest.

    Gary, youngster 228, appears to have a lump on the right side of his face.  He was otherwise okay, and it wasn't impacting his ability to graze or chew his cud.  The other cows were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    Sussex steers 197, 210 and 1640 were found grazing around ///clear.lonely.poorly on Sandy Hill at 09:20.  They were all initially eating grass, but soon stopped to relax and chew their cud.  Steer 1640 had a good rub against one of the trees.  His nose was fine today.  The boys were all well.

    The other four Sussex cattle, cows 211, 212 and 1396 and steer 1626, were found on the bank at the southeast corner of James Bond pond around ///suspect.goofy.award at 09:45.  They were all relaxing and chewing their cud.  Cow 211 enjoyed a long ear rub while resting.  They were all good.  There was a large army presence in the wooded area to the northeast of where the cattle were located.

    There didn't appear to be any change in Brie's (cow 940) ear this morning compared to yesterday (photo below).

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 26 May 2024

    Sunday 26th May - All 25 seen

    Steers 20 and 220 were happily grazing in the area around ///dare.hotel.loud at 09:40 this morning.  They were both enjoying lots of grass.  The other sixteen originals were spread out on the hill to their southwest around ///bunk.swing.store.  They were nearly all lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud in the sunshine.  Cow 72 and steer 219 were initially standing but soon lay down to rest.  The cows were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    Just after 10:00, we heard some loud repeated mooing coming from the Horse Pond direction.  I set off to see what the Sussex herd were up to.  I had made it to around ///guru.fewer.worth by 10:05 when there was a tremendous noise and I looked up to see Sussex steers 197, 210 and 1640 plus cow 211 coming running down from Hungry Hill at full speed.  They saw me and all stopped right beside me.  They rested for a couple of minutes, with cow 211 coming to say hello.  I walked with them out onto the path, pointed to where I thought the other three were, and off they went again, running at full speed.

    I walked over to meet up with them around ///legs.majoring.gently five minutes later.  They were all good and were in a huddle saying hello to each other.  Steer 210 quickly went and lay down.  The others all started to eat some grass.  Cow 211 came over to say hello again and was happy to receive an ear and neck rub.  She licked my hand a few times to say thanks.  I noticed that steer 1640 had a runny nose.  I am not sure if this was as a result of his recent running, but one to keep an eye on.

    After returning to the first group just after 10:35, steers 20 and 220 had joined the group and were lying down relaxing near cows 72 and 940.  There didn't appear to be much change in Brie's (cow 940) ear this morning.

    The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...