Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Wednesday 31 July 2024

    Wednesday 31st July - All 25 seen - the lump on steer 228's face was more pronounced today than at the weekend

    Cows 72 and 940 plus steers 30, 220, 230, 270, 271 and 1626 were all in the cow shed at 16:55 this afternoon. Most were lying down, relaxing. A few were resting while chewing their cud standing up. Youngster 219 was lying down just outside the shed. Despite the warm conditions, they were all looking well. They did seem more comfortable today, so thank you for spraying them yesterday, Grace. Steers 20, 35, 222 and 227 were all lying down relaxing in the shade on the far side of the little wooden bridge. They were all happy, relaxed and looking well. Youngster 227 got up and had a stretch and came over to say hello. He was happy to receive a back rub. Four of the Sussex cattle were found grazing in the area around ////snug.happy.informs at the Shell Garage end of the site at 17:40. Steers 197 and 210 plus cows 211 and 212 were all enjoying lots of fresh grass. It was actually a lot cooler at that end of the site, so they'd made a wise choice. They all came and said hello while I was checking them. They were all good. Steers 21, 33, 217 and 228 plus cows 214 and 234 were found in the pasture to the northeast of James Bond Pond at 17:55. Steer 21 and cow 214 were grazing. Steers 33 and 228 plus cow 234 were lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud. Youngster 217 was standing, trying to hide in a bush. The lump on the right side of youngster 228's face was a lot more pronounced today. Certainly, more so than at the weekend. I note that Grace mentioned the Grazing Team was going to discuss this further. Returning nearly all the way to the start, I found the two missing Sussexes, cow 1396 and steer 1640, happily grazing in the area around ///office.aims.doors at the Royal Pavilion end of the site at 18:30. The other thirteen cows from the first group were all spread out, grazing in the surrounding area. I don't know where they were hiding earlier, but I suspect they were lying down in the shade somewhere. There was no tracking from steer 1640s collar at the time. They were both good and enjoying their dinner.
    The cows were all good today.

    Tuesday 30 July 2024

    Tuesday 30th July - 25 found and Fly Sprayed

    Hi All, 

    Just dropped by today to check on everyone and give then their fly spray. Everyone is unsurprisingly favouring the shade! 

    Found the first 4 Sussex in the woods at ///flight.mourner.dips

    Found the next 6 slightly up the other side of the BMX slopes in the woods at ///inhabited.answers.headed

    Noted the small lump on 228's face left hand side, Grazing Team to discuss. 

    I then found 9 hiding from the sun in the shelter, everyone looking good. Glad to see Brie has made a great recovery from her ear infection. 

    Another 4 up on the ridge from here 

    Final 2 I found not too far away from here. 

    Everyone has been fly treated so they should be a lot more comfortable now.

    Thank you so much for your efforts in keeping an eye on them!!

    Grazing Team 

    Sunday 28 July 2024

    Sunday 28th July - All 25 seen

    I met up with the seven Sussex cattle just beyond their favourite Sandy Hill corner at 10:15 this morning. They were grazing in the direction of Hungry Hill. They all stopped and took a big drink from the large pools of water just before the start of the trees. All seven soon went into the wooded area, where they spread out and started to graze. They were enjoying lots of long grass and leaves from the trees. They were all happy, relaxed and looking well.
    Eleven of the Caesar's originals were found spread out grazing in the thicket around ///stops.envy.found at 10.55. They appeared to be enjoying the cooler conditions under the shade of the trees, but were still being bothered by lots of flies and other beasties. They all slowly moved northeast, down towards the area at the far east of the sandy bowl. All eleven had come together and started to munch on the fresh grass by 11:30. They were all happy and relaxed. It was getting hot, so I think they'd be looking for the shade again soon enough.

    Cow 234 plus steers 21, 217 and 227 were eating in the area near ///speak.blows.flick at 11.40. Youngster 227 came and said hello and received a back scratch. Steer 33 and cow 214 were enjoying lots of leaves from the trees on the east bank of Horse Pond. Youngster 228 was having a paddle in the pond, and was eating some plants growing through the surface. The group of four soon wandered along and joined them. All but cow 234 went into the pond and had a paddle followed by a drink. Cow 234 stayed on dry land and stood under a tree near where the other two were eating leaves. Shortly before noon, all but steer 33, wandered clockwise round the edge of the pond to go into the trees where they started to relax. Balti continued to munch on his leaves. This group were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    The cows were all good today.

    Saturday 27 July 2024

    Saturday 27th July - All 25 seen

    Fifteen of the original Caesar's cows were at the cow shed at 09:40 this morning.  Most were actually in the shed, where they were relaxing and chewing their cud.  Cow 940 was lying down, resting.  Older steers 21 and 35 were both grazing on the far side of the little wooden bridge.  Yearling 270 was grazing at the back of the cow shed, but he soon came round and said hello.  The cows were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    The seven Sussex cows were spread out grazing around ///ticking.scars.stated at 10:20.   Most preferred to graze under the trees or in the thicket to keep out of the warm sunshine.  They were all friendly and came and said hello.  Cow 211 enjoyed her usual back scratch.  Steers 197 and 210 were also both very friendly.  By 10:45, the cows had started to move into the trees to the northwest near ///toys.clip.blotches where they started to lie down and relax.  They were all good.

    I was walking back to the cow shed and had reached the area near ///back.planet.pest at 11:00 when I heard some mooing in the distance.  I went into the wooded area to investigate and soon heard more mooing followed by the thundering of hooves.  Yearling 271 came running up to me and stopped.  He was absolutely fine but appeared a title lost.  He stayed with me for a few minutes before mooing loudly again and running off through the thicket in the direction of the cow shed.  I had a look in the surrounding area and found steers 21, 30, 33 and 219 plus cows 72 and 940 all alone but well spread out grazing in the thicket.  When I reached the cow shed, cows 214 and 234 plus steers 220, 227, 228, 230, 270 and 271 were all inside.  Older steer 35 was still grazing on the far side of the bridge.  

    I walked back up to the area around ///tapes.nest.caring and the cows slowly started to come together and graze just after noon.  Steers 20, 217 and 222 made an appearance from the southeast and one by one joined them. The other nine cows wandered up from the cow shed and joined them around 12:20. The cows were all fine, but I've no idea what caused a number of them to leave the cow shed and become spread so far and wide.

    The cows were all good today.

    Thursday 25 July 2024

    Thursday 25th July - All 25 seen - Steer 1640 has bald patches on his left and right hindquarters

    The seven Sussex cattle were grazing on Sandy Hill in the area around the pill box at 17:05 this afternoon. Youngsters 222 and 227 were with them. They were all happy, relaxed and looking well. All of them came to say hello, and were very friendly. Cow 211 enjoyed her usual neck and back scratch and gave me a few head rubs to say thanks. Youngster 227 also enjoyed a back a rub. Sussex steer 1640 now has a bald patch on his right hindquarters to match the ones on his left. Youngster 222 must have been rubbing his head against a tree at some point and had some dirt above his right eye. The other sixteen cows were all lying down and relaxing in the trees to the west of Horse Pond at 17:25. Many of the cows had buried themselves in the bracken to the south of the trees, and were either snoozing or chewing their cud. The others were lying down between the many trees. They were all very relaxed and looking well. Returning to the first group again at 17:50 and six of the Sussexes plus the two youngsters were standing on their favourite Sandy Hill corner relaxing. Cow 211 was still eating and was grazing to the east. The cows were all good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...