Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 31 October 2023

    Tuesday 31st October - 16 seen

    Steers 33, 35, 217, 220, 227, 230, 270 and 271 were all found at the Shell garage end of the site at 15:15 this afternoon. They were well spread out in the area around ///pasting.rank.foresight. Most were munching on gorse, heather and leaves from the trees. They kept on disappearing into gorse bushes and reappearing on the other side, making things fun. Older cows 72 and 940 were grazing around ///bump.raced.bills at the Royal Pavilion end of the site at 16.10. Youngster 228 was grazing close by. Older steers 20, 21 and 30 along with youngster 234 were all grazing in the thicket on the other side of the path. Youngster 222 was found hunting for acorns in the trees to the south-east of cows 72 and 940. He appears to love his acorns but wasn't having much luck today. Despite a good search of the areas surrounding both groups of cows, I couldn't find youngsters 214, 215 and 219 this afternoon. I searched until it was dark at 17:00. The cows that were found were all good today.

    Sunday 29 October 2023

    Sunday 29th October - All 19 seen

    Steers 21, 30, 35, 220, 228 and cow 72 were all spread out munching on heather, gorse and leaves from the trees around ///cafe.mile.trim at 09:25 this morning.  Steer 227 was with them, but he came out of the thicket and onto the main path to say hello.  Like the others, he was damp but was looking well.  There was no sign of his tick bite today. 

    Steers 20 and 230 plus cow 940 were all foraging for acorns in the area around ///gear.linen.clash at 09.45.  Youngster 215 and yearlings 270 and 271 were doing the same on the opposite side of the main path.  They were all happy and relaxed.  Heavy rain started at 09:55, causing steers 21, 30, 35 and 228 to come and join this group.  They all continued to forage for acorns, under the cover of the trees.  I stayed with them for a while, hoping the rain would pass, which sadly it didn't.
    The other six, cows 33, 214, 217, 219, 222 and 234, were found down near the Bourley Road car park at 10:25.  They were all very wet despite being under the cover of trees.  They were all munching on leaves and other vegetation, with the occasional bit of acorn hunting thrown in for good measure.  At about 10:50, youngster 222 wandered off on his own to the area in front of the cow shed, where he foraged for acorns.  The other five stood under the shelter of the trees, relaxing and chewing their cud.

    The cows were all good today despite the wet weather.

    Saturday 28 October 2023

    Saturday 28th October - All 19 seen - Steer 227 has a tick bite on his left hand side

    All nineteen cows were well spread out in the area around ///forgot.means.tries at 10.30 this morning.  They were in groups of twos and threes and were mostly all hunting for acorns.  Older steer 30 was far more interested in eating gorse and munching on leaves from the trees.   The cows were all rather damp and there were frequent heavy rain showers while I was checking them.

    Youngster 227 had what looked to be a tick bite on his left-hand side (photo below).  He was absolutely fine and was happily searching for acorns in the thicket.   

    Most of the cows continued to forage in a south-westerly direction, except for steers 220 and 230 who wandered off together to hunt for acorns around ///grapes.fish.chart at 11:05.   During one particularly heavy shower, youngster 220 came and said hello and sheltered under the trees beside me.  Youngster 230 was munching on gorse close by.

    The cows were all good today.

    Thursday 26 October 2023

    Thursday 26th October - All 19 seen

    Cows 215, 217, 219, 220, 222, 228, 230, 270, 271 and 940 were spread out grazing all the way from ///eruptions.bake.strain to ///inhaler.bother.cries at 16.05 this afternoon.  They were all happy, relaxed and looking good.  Older steers 20, 21 and 30 soon joined them, having wandered through from the James Bond pond side of the path.

    Older steer 33 and youngster 234 were found munching in the gorse bushes around ///ships.skate.scornful at 16:30.  After a bit, they both came out and wandered off in the direction of the others.  Steer 33 stopped and had a big drink from a puddle first.

    Steers 35 and 227 plus cows 72 and 214 were found in the bushes munching on gorse in the area around ///whisk.lace.pints soon after.  They were all well.

    Cows 215, 219, 220, 270 and 271 had all made it to the Lookout by 17:05.  Yearling 271 was hunting for acorns, while the other four continued to graze.  On their way, they had passed a large number of soldiers who were standing at their base camp.  

    The cows were all good today.

    Wednesday 25 October 2023

    Wednesday 25th October - All 19 seen

    All nineteen cows were spread far and wide at the Shell Garage end of the site this afternoon.  Youngster 20 was the first to be found at 16:35 with yearling 271 last to be discovered at 17:55.  He was doing his very best not to be found today, and I was close to admitting defeat.  The cows were all over the place, constantly wandering around and hopping in and out of the gorse bushes, making for an interesting search 😀.

    The cows were all looking well.  They were all happily grazing, eating grass, leaves from trees, heather, and the occasional bit of gorse.

    The cows were all good today.

    Tuesday 24 October 2023

    Tuesday 24th October - All 19 seen

    Older steer 35 and youngster 228 were grazing together around ///irony.quickly.affair not too far from Horse Pond at 17:00 this afternoon. They were both happy and relaxed. Older steer 20 and cow 72 were grazing fairly close by around ///today.comb.rags. Older cow 940 was hunting for acorns in the neighbouring trees. 
    Cows 30, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 222, 230, 234, 270 and 271 were well spread out grazing in groups of ones and twos in the area around ///puffed.crypt.limbs at 17:20. Most were enjoying munching on grass, with a few preferring leaves from the trees. There was the inevitable acorn hunting going on as well. The scratch on youngster 234's neck was gone. 
    Yet again there was no sign of steers 21, 33 and 227, so I went off searching for them. I looped back around to ///holds.signified.slap at 18:20 and found them standing relaxing and chewing their cud. It was too dark by this point to check them properly, but they all seemed happy enough. There were at least eight cows fairly close to them, including youngster 215 who wanted more head rubs tonight. I could only oblige her for a little while, as it was now totally dark. 
    As I was returning to the car, I met cows 20, 35 and 228 again who were all grazing in the area around ///sonic.punk.stirs at 18:45. 
    The army was present in numerous parts of the site today, with their base camp located close to the Lookout. 
    The cows were all good this evening.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...