Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday 30 April 2024

    Tuesday 30th April - All 26 seen - Steer 30 is missing his left ear tags

    Steer 21 was found by himself around ///pots.passes.lied at the Royal Pavilion end of the site at 18:15 this evening.  He had been wandering around and mooing, trying to find his herd mates.  After getting no answer, he decided to follow me all the way down Sunny Hill Road and then southwest over the sandy bowl.  He soon started to slow up, and I had to leave him.

    Steer 35 was spotted from afar standing under a tree around ///foggy.giggles.smoke at 18.30.  I wandered over to check him and found steers 21, 219, 222 and 228 all spread out grazing nearby.  Worried about steer 20 being on his own, I decided to call him.  He mooed from a distance, which prompted the surrounding steers to start mooing, resulting in them all being reunited soon after.

    After resting for a short while, all six then headed off northwest.  They crossed over the main path and continued for a bit before starting to moo again.  Older steer 30 was grazing in the distance around ///home.delved.unframed.  They all wandered down to join him.  Steer 30 has lost the tags from his left ear.

    Cows 72, 215 and 940 plus steers 227 and 230 were found grazing in the area around ///exhale.torso.headset at 19:00.  They were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    Steers 33, 217, 220, 270 and 271 plus cows 214 and 234 were all spread out grazing around ///lashed.rant.closed just along from the Lookout at 19.15.  Most were munching on the heather.  Yearling 271 was in a very precarious position, grazing on the edge of the hill.  Thankfully, he soon gave up and moved on.  This group were all happy.

    Sussex cows 211 and 1396 were found grazing around ///snacks.swaps.newer at 19:30.  They carried on grazing in the thicket before turning northeast to graze in the pasture under the hill.

    The five other Sussex cows were grazing in the wooded area around ///cloak.older.aced at 20:00.  They were all happily munching on grass and leaves.

    The cows were all good today.  They were all over the place, grazing in small groups, which made for an "interesting" search.

    Sunday 28 April 2024

    Sunday 28th April - All 26 seen

    Steers 20, 30, 217, 220, 227 and 228 plus cows 72 and 940 were wandering east along the path by the Bourley Road at 09:40 this morning.  They all stopped off in the area around ///hedge.simmer.wires to graze on some fresh grass.  They were all rather damp, but steer 227 was soaking.  He came and said hello and was feeling rather sorry for himself.  The others were all good.

    Sussex steers 197 and 210 plus cows 211 and 212 were grazing in the area around ///limits.fixed.remark at 10:15.  They were quite well sheltered from the rain by the thicket.  The other three, cow 1396 plus steers 1626 and 1640, came down from Sandy Hill about ten minutes later, mooing loudly as they arrived.  They rested for a bit, before all seven started to graze on the slope back up to Sandy Hill around ///blocks.televise.spun.  They were all looking well.

    Steer 21 and cow 234 were grazing around ///swept.wiser.will at 10:55.  Cows 214 and 215 plus steers 219, 222, 230, 270 and 271 were grazing under the cover of the trees a bit further northeast around ///calm.rods.cans.  They were all eating lots of leaves from the bushes.  The first two soon wandered along and joined the others.  I went off in a large loop of the surrounding area trying to find the missing steers 33 and 35 with no luck.  When I returned, some of the cows were relaxing and chewing their cud under the trees a bit further northeast, while the others continued to graze.

    The six steers from the first group had made it to the area around ///tube.soils.stays at the Royal Pavilion end of the site by 12:05.  They were all eating leaves in the thicket.  Steers 33 and 35 were with them.  I have no idea how I missed them earlier!  The girls, cows 72 and 940, were still down by the Bourley Road around ///decide.slack.asleep at 12:20.  Cow 940 was munching on heather, while cow 72 relaxed and chewed her cud.

    The cows were all good today.

    Saturday 27 April 2024

    Saturday 27th April - All 26 seen

    The seven Sussex cattle were back together grazing in the thicket in the area around ///bless.army.tour near Hungry Hill at 09:40 this morning.  They were all happy, relaxed and looking well.  Steer 197 and cow 211 were their usual friendly selves and came and said hello and received ear rubs.
    Steers 20, 21 and 227 plus cows 72 and 940 were spread out grazing in the area around ///dunes.plums.rush at 10:00.  They were all happy and relaxed.  Youngster 227 came and said hello and received a long back rub.  He had a red tick bite on his right hand side.  He wouldn't tell me where he was hiding on Thursday 😃.

    The other fourteen cattle were found mostly grazing around ///raves.caused.bridge at 10:45.  Some were still a little damp from the earlier rain.  Steers 33 and 217 were standing, chewing their cud.  Steer 35 was having a big scratch against a tree behind them.  Steers 219 and 271 plus cow 234 were eating in the thicket to the southwest, but soon came out and said hello.

    The group of fourteen slowly made their way east, ending up in the pasture around ///stand.clinic.twin where they happily munched on the fresh grass.  The three British White girls, cows 214, 215 and 234, were all grazing in the bushes on the other side of the path to the north.   It was really nice to see a large group of the originals back together and happily grazing.  I stayed with them for a while before saying goodbye shortly after 11:30.

    The cows were all good today.

    Thursday 25 April 2024

    Thursday 25th April - 23 seen

    A mixed group of thirteen cows were spread out grazing at the Royal Pavilion end of the site around ///gaps.drew.trim at 17.10.  Steers 20, 21, 30, 35, 217, 219, 220, 228 and 230 plus cows 72, 214, 215 and 940 were all happily grazing, enjoying lots of grass and bramble.  They were all looking well and weren't being put off by the light rain.

    Five of the Sussex cattle were grazing in the swampy ground to the north of the covered reservoir around ///twisty.lends.boom at 17.50.  They were grazing in the thicket.  They were all happy, relaxed and looking well.

    Steers 33, 222, 270 and 271 plus cow 214 were grazing while sheltering from the rain in the area around ///slug.dwarf.worth at 18.25.  After a while, the yearlings ventured out to munch on some fresh grass.  I was surprised not to have found steer 227 with this group, but had a good look around and couldn't find him.

    Concerned that I hadn't found the full herd again tonight, I continued searching and ended up back down with the Sussex cattle at 19.05.  The same five were grazing on the east side of the covered reservoir.  

    I also ended up back with the first group, who were well spread out grazing in the pasture around ///pipe.purse.sugarsat 19.40.  Again, it was just the thirteen of them.

    Despite searching until after 20:00, I wasn't able to find Sussex steers 197 and 210 or British White steer 227 tonight.  I would love to know where they were hiding.

    The cows that were found were all good.

    Wednesday 24 April 2024

    Wednesday 24th April - 23 seen

    Youngster 230 was found grazing by himself around ///dart.prep.crazy at 16.25 this afternoon. He was happy and relaxed.  He was very friendly and came over and said hello.  I reluctantly left him, and was halfway to the next group of cows, when I heard thundering hooves and some loud rustling, only for youngster 230 to come running out of the bushes.  He quickly stopped and then walked with me to find the others.

    Steers 20, 30, 217, 219 and 271 plus cow 215 were spread out grazing in the pasture around ///sticky.sooner.limit at 16.45.  It was fairly swampy in places, but that wasn't stopping them.  Youngster 230 soon joined in.  They were all looking well.

    Steers 21, 220, 228 and 1626 plus cows 211, 212, 234 and 1396 were all found at the southwest corner of James Bond pond at 17.20.  Steers 21 and 1626 plus cow 1306 were initially standing chewing their cud.  The other five were spread out grazing.  After a while, all eight wandered round to the area around ///haggling.thick.proves where they continued to graze.

    Cows 214 and 940 plus steers 222, 227 and 270 were lying down, relaxing and chewing their cud in the area under the Lookout around ///clarifies.moving.twig at 18:15.  They were all looking really comfy lying in the bracken.  They were all good.

    Steer 35 and cow 72 were found grazing in the area around ///stiff.falters.coping ten minutes later.  Steer 33 was standing close by, chewing his cud.

    Despite an extensive search, I wasn't able to find Sussex steers 197, 210 and 1640 this evening.

    The cows that were found were all good today.

    Sunday 15th September - All 24 seen

    I came across yearling 270 and Sussex steer 1626 near ///stirs.inkjet.toned at 09:20 this morning. They were both gazing out over the pastur...